Dear SIESTA Users,

I am trying to perform calculations on bulk CoI2 (cobalt diiodide) which has the Cd(OH)2/CdI2-type structure (P3-m1 space group).

It is a hexagonal close pack (HCP) with the ABAB... structure. I have performed many calculations on fcc, bcc and cubic structures, but I cannot work out how to input the coordinates and lattice vectors for this HCP structure.

I have tried several variations of coordinates and lattice vectors/parameters, including:

LatticeConstant 3.985 Ang # a=b=3.985Ang, c=6.664Ang. (c/a = 1.6723 Ang) ref: S.R.Kuindersma,Physica (1981) 111, 231

%block LatticeParameters
   1.000 1.000 1.6723 90.000000 90.000000 120.000000
%endblock LatticeParameters

#%block LatticeVectors # taken from Navy website:
#  0.500   -0.866025    0.000000                # 1/2, -1/2 3^1/3, 0
#  0.500    0.866025    0.000000                # 1/2,  1/2 3^1/2, 0
#  0.000    0.000000    1.672271                #   0,          0, c/a
#%endblock LatticeVectors

AtomicCoordinatesFormat    Fractional
AtomCoorFormatOut          Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000    1
   0.33333333   0.33333333   0.25000000    2
   0.66666667   0.66666667   0.75000000    2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

Could someone perhaps explain to me what I am doing wrong and how/where to get appropriate coordinates and lattice vectors from?

Thanks in advance


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