Si en el fdf pones writexml (o un label equivalente, no me acuerdo)

> Jose:
> Es algo que está ya en la lista de bug-fixes. Hasta que salga la  
> 2.0.1 puedes arreglarlo a mano siguiendo las instrucciones que siguen.
>       Saludos,
>       Alberto
> Inicio del mensaje reenviado:
> > De: Alberto Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Fecha: 13 de octubre de 2006 15:25:29 GMT+02:00
> > Para:
> > Asunto: Re: [SIESTA-L] about siesta-as-a-subroutine problem
> > Responder a: "Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,              
> >
> > Jian:
> >
> > The routines for CML output are not initialized correctly when
> > "TypeOfRun Forces" is used. By fixing this I was able to run a "siesta
> > as subroutine" calculation successfully. Please add the lines marked
> > with "+" to siesta.F in the context provided,
> > recompile, and try again:
> >
> > --- orig/Src/siesta.F
> > +++ mod/Src/siesta.F
> > @@ -789,6 +789,10 @@
> >          endif
> >        case (7)
> >          call phonon_set_coords(istep,xa,ucell)
> > +        case (8)
> > +          write(6,'(28(" "),a,i6)') 'Begin Server step = ',istep
> > +          if (cml_p) call cmlStartStep(mainXML, type='FS',  
> > index=istep)
> > +
> >        end select
> >        write(6,'(2a)') '                        ',
> >     .                    '=============================='
> >
> >
> >      Best regards,
> >
> >      Alberto
> >
> > On 10/13/06, Jian ZHOU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Dear all,
> >>
> >> I am recently writing a small program to test the
> >> siesta-as-a-subroutine function, but have encountered some strange
> >> problems.
> >>
> >> It seems that the siesta has receive the coordinate, and even run for
> >> some minutes, however, it can not return the force data. In fact, the
> >> program hang after in the "fsiesta.f90":
> >> ! Read forces from pipe
> >>   iu = p(ip)%iuf
> >>   read(iu,*) message
> >>
> >> It does not give error or exit, it just hang. The siesta has exit
> >> without finishing the job, since the siesta outputing is not  
> >> complete.
> >>
> >> When I go through the "siesta.F" and "iopipes.F90", I find that the
> >> "forcesToPipe" subroutine has been called, but I do not know why the
> >> fsiesta.f90 can not read these forces from the forces pipe.
> >>
> >> It is surprising that if I add a "stop" just after the "call
> >> forcesToPipe( na_u, Etot, cfa, cstress )" in siesta.F, it return the
> >> forces successfully.  Therefore, it seems that there are something
> >> wrong after the siesta write the forces to the pipe??
> >>
> >> I also run the "FmixMD" program in the Util, the same thing happens.
> >>
> >> Does anyone experience this problem.
> >>
> >> BTW, I am using the redhat base 64bit linux and compile the siesta  
> >> with pgf90.
> >>
> >> This is how I call the siesta:
> >>
> >>       call siesta_units( 'Ang', 'eV' )
> >>       call siesta_launch( label , 1 )
> >>       print*, ' siesta launched '
> >>       call siesta_forces( label, na, xa, cell, energy, fa, stress)
> >>       print*, ' siesta_fores end'
> >>       call siesta_quit( label )
> >>       print*, ' siesta quit'
> >>
> >> Of course, all these array has been initialized.
> >>
> >> Thank you!
> >>
> >> Best wishes,
> >>
> >> jian
> >>
> >

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