Dear Michael,

you got a high-spin configuration of the carbon atom:
2s electrons are spin-compensated but two 2p-electrons have parallel spins.
It may be counter-intuitive but physically plausible, 
and fully in accordance with the Siesta input logic.

You declared spin-polarized calculation but did not specify a block
In this case (see UsersManual on DM.InitSpin)
takes control by default and sets maximal-spin ferromagnetic
configuration of ALL ATOMS for the start.

The remedy depends on what you want to calculate. 
Probably you just want to have a trial spin somewhere in your system
(e.g., 3d atom or other defect). Then use the block
to initialize exactly whatever you want; the other atoms
(not included in the block) will be non-magnetic on start.

Best regards,


+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie,     |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------ 

On Tue, 4 Jul 2006, Michael Shin wrote:

| Dear Siesta users
|   I am doing some calculations on Carbon atom  using GGA as well as LDA. For 
Basis I used DZP and  MeshCutoff           150. Ry.
|   I used spinpolarized calculations and at the end I got some strange result 
i.e its shows that Total Spin1= 3 and Total Spin2=1 
|   Is it means that C-atom has magnetic moment or there is some problem in my 
calculations. For LDA I used the same C.psf which was provided with Siesta but 
the magnetic moment is same in LDA and GGA. I also got DOS and see the attached 
DOS file.
|   Here is the part of my output.
|   I will be thnx to everyone if some one guide me because I have no 
experience with magnetic structure
|   Thank you very much
|   Mic.
|   SietaOutputGGA.
|   GHOST: No ghost state for L =  0
|   GHOST: No ghost state for L =  1
|   GHOST: No ghost state for L =  2
|   GHOST: No ghost state for L =  3
|   siesta: System type = atom
|   Unit cell vectors (Ang):
|           5.669953    0.000000    0.000000
|           0.000000    5.669953    0.000000
|           0.000000    0.000000    5.669953
|   mulliken: Atomic and Orbital Populations:
|   mulliken: Spin UP
|   Species: C
|   Atom  Qatom  Qorb
|                       2s      2s      2py     2pz     2px     2py     2pz     
|                      2Pdxy   2Pdyz   2Pdz2   2Pdxz   2Pdx2-y2
|      1  3.000   1.013  -0.013   0.675   0.675   0.675  -0.008  -0.008  -0.008
|                       0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
|   mulliken: Qtot =        3.000
|   mulliken: Spin DOWN 
|   Species: C                    
|   Atom  Qatom  Qorb
|                       2s      2s      2py     2pz     2px     2py     2pz     
|                       2Pdxy   2Pdyz   2Pdz2   2Pdxz   2Pdx2-y2 
|      1  1.000   1.107  -0.107   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
|                       0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000   0.000
|   mulliken: Qtot =        1.000
|   siesta: Total spin polarization (Qup-Qdown) =    2.000000
|   siesta: Program's energy decomposition (eV):
|   siesta: Eions   =       316.134481
|   siesta: Ena     =       109.046674
|   siesta: Ekin    =        95.055041
|   siesta: Enl     =         6.977798
|   siesta: DEna    =         1.095781
|   siesta: DUscf   =         0.005992
|   siesta: DUext   =         0.000000
|   siesta: Exc     =       -43.532745
|   siesta: eta*DQ  =         0.000000
|   siesta: Emadel  =         0.000000
|   siesta: Ekinion =         0.000000
|   siesta: Eharris =      -147.485944
|   siesta: Etot    =      -147.485941
|   siesta: FreeEng =      -147.535307
|   siesta: Final energy (eV):   
|   siesta:       Kinetic =      95.055041
|   siesta:       Hartree =      69.905598
|   siesta:    Ext. field =       0.000000
|   siesta:   Exch.-corr. =     -43.532745
|   siesta:  Ion-electron =    -213.454182
|   siesta:       Ion-ion =     -55.459652
|   siesta:       Ekinion =       0.000000
|   siesta:         Total =    -147.485941
|   siesta: Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):
|   siesta:     0.000019    0.000000    0.000000
|   siesta:     0.000000    0.000019    0.000000
|   siesta:     0.000000    0.000000    0.000019
| ---------------------------------
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