   Sometimes if you compile on some architechures with the fast and 
flags these bizzare problems can pop up.  I haven't seen this problem but 
similar errors of this type have occured when those flags are set.  If this has 
already been mentioned, I apologize for repeating it.

Sincerely, -Kirk Bevan

Quoting Demetra Psiachos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I had the same problem...I posted it in April 2006 and it still is not 
> resolved. 
> Perhaps I'll post it again. n.b. I used the same architecture and 
> compiler as Hai Ping below but I didn't try version 1.3.
> The option  Diag.DivideAndConquer           .false.
> did not work in my case (nor did any of the other things I tried).
> Here's part of my old message to the group.
> ===================================================
> Hi, I am having a bizarre problem: Upon restarting an MD calculation, 
> specifically Harris Functional in my case, Siesta does about 5-10 MD steps 
> and then dies with the error:
> siesta: 
> Begin MD step = 12 
> outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
> 20.121426 0.000000 0.000000
> 10.060713 17.425666 0.000000
> 0.000000 0.000000 18.521195
> outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang) : 20.121426 20.121426 18.521195
> outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg): 90.0000 90.0000 60.0000
> outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3) : 6494.0729
> Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
> Stopping Program from Node: 0
> Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
> Stopping Program from Node: 1
> Error in Cholesky factorisation in rdiag
> There is no problem when the run 
> is the initial one (i.e. UseSaveData .false.) but when UseSaveData is set 
> to .true. I get this problem. I believe it has to do with scalapack, as 
> the specific routine that fails is pdpotrf which is in scalapack). I tried 
> changing the number of processors and the blocksize but the problem 
> remained. What does not make any sense at all is why this problem would 
> appear ONLY upon restarting a calculation.
> Does anyone have an idea that I can try that might help?
> Many Thanks,
> Demetra Psiachos 
> ===========================================================================
>   On Mon, 26 Jun 2006, Javier Junquera wrote:
> >      Dear lan:
> >
> >      In Siesta 2.0, try to switch the Divide And Conquer solver off:
> >
> > Diag.DivideAndConquer           .false.
> >
> >      Hope this helps,
> >
> >            Javier
> >
> >> Dear developers :
> >>          I have come to  errors in performing Pt-bulk CG-relaxation 
> >> calculation both in siesta-2.0 and 1.3 .
> >> Would you please give me some hints ?
> >>        The error occured in first CG step , and the code gave this 
> >> information :
> >>      * Error in Cholesky factorisation in cdiag
> >>       Stopping Program from Node:    0
> >>       Aborted
> >> *   The siesta-2.0 code was compiled serially  in AMD-operon workstation 
> >> with PGI6.0 compilor , and the arch.make was set up just with *configure 
> >> *script .
> >>       The same system also performed in siesta-1.3 , and errors  the code
> >> giving :
> >>     *siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)      E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax 
> Ef(eV)
> >> siesta:    1    -3087.9064    -3080.0184    -3080.0184  0.8488 12.8295
> >> timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF        1      15.810  91.39
> >> siesta:    2    -3085.8326    -3075.6683    -3075.6683  0.6424 11.3072
> >> siesta:    3    -3082.6427    -3077.6962    -3077.6962  0.3645 11.6410
> >> siesta:    4    -3081.6698    -3078.7760    -3078.7760  0.2053 11.8195
> >> siesta:    5    -3081.3761    -3079.4520    -3079.4520  0.1157 11.9159
> >> siesta:    6    -3081.2881    -3079.9189    -3079.9189  0.0654 11.9684
> >> siesta:    7    -3081.2616    -3080.2569    -3080.2569  0.0373 11.9971
> >> siesta:    8    -3081.2537    -3080.5068    -3080.5068  0.0216 12.0127
> >> Terminating due to failed diagonalisation
> >> Stopping Program*
> >>   siesta-1.3 was compiled parallelly with PGI 6.0 compilor and acml-3.0 
> >> mathlib , and the compiling flag is
> >>   FFLAGS= -O3 -Munroll -Mnoframe -tp k8-64 -Mcache_align -Mnolre .
> >>  Would you please help me  ?  Thank you in advance
> >>  Regards,
> >>  Hai.Ping
> >>
> >> 
> >
> >
> >
> >

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