Thanks Neeti,

I used 'pg' instead of 'pe' following your opinion.
However I got the same error messages following:
s                    Z=  16    Mass=  32.070        Charge=  0.0000
Lmxo=1 Lmxkb=1     BasisType=split      Semic=F
L=0  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=3
          n=1  nzeta=1  polorb=0
               vcte:    0.0000
               rinn:    0.0000
                rcs:    0.0000
            lambdas:    1.0000
L=1  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=3
          n=1  nzeta=1  polorb=1
               vcte:    0.0000
               rinn:    0.0000
                rcs:    0.0000
            lambdas:    1.0000
L=0  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309
L=1  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309

atom: Called for S   (Z =  16)

read_vps: Pseudopotential generation method:
read_vps: ATM3      Troullier-Martins

read_vps: Valence configuration (pseudopotential and basis set generation):
3s( 2.00) rc: 1.50
3p( 6.00) rc: 1.50
Total valence charge:    8.00000

atom: Pseudopotential generated from an ionic configuration
atom: with net charge-2.00

xc_check: Exchange-correlation functional:
xc_check: Ceperley-Alder
V l=0 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=118.7963
V l=1 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=118.7963
All V_l potentials equal beyond r=  1.4767
This should be close to max(r_c) in ps generation
All pots = -2*Zval/r beyond r=118.7963
Using large-core scheme for Vlocal

atom: Estimated core radius  118.79627

atom: Including non-local core corrections could be a good idea
atom: Maximum radius for 4*pi*r*r*local-pseudopot. charge  118.79627
chovrlap: rmx,rmax =     237.792532      32.169909
Stopping Program

Is there any possiblities that siesta has a problem with S?

Other atoms are OK, but only sulfur has a problem.

Sincerely, Min.

Dept. of Chemistry, POSTECH

Min Seung Kyu


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