Dear Siesta users/developers,

has anybody a well-tested Ga-pseudopotential for me? Ga with 4s^2 4p^1
with nlcc or Ga with d-semicore states with the corresponding basis for 3d are
also appreciated.

          Adam Gali

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Gali Ádám                            Adam Gali, PhD
> Budapesti Műszaki és                     Department of Atomic Physics,
> Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem,               Budapest University of Technology and
> Atomfizika Tanszék                       Economics
> Budapest, Budafoki út 8., 1111           Budafoki út 8., H-1111, Budapest,
>                                          Hungary
> telefon: 463-1580                        telephone: [36]-(1)-463-1580
> fax: 463-4357                            fax:  [36]-(1)-463-4357
>                         e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dr. Gali Ádám                            Adam Gali, PhD

Budapesti Műszaki és                     Department of Atomic Physics,
Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem,               Budapest University of Technology and
Atomfizika Tanszék                       Economics
Budapest, Budafoki út 8., 1111           Budafoki út 8., H-1111, Budapest,

telefon: 463-1580                        telephone: [36]-(1)-463-1580
fax: 463-4357                            fax:  [36]-(1)-463-4357

                        e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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