
The reason you need different parameters for zigzag and armchair nanotubes is 
that the zigzag are semiconducting whereas the armchair are metallic. So it is 
reasonable that you have to use a bigger number of k points to integrate the 
Brillouin zone in the last case.

For armchair NT I relaxed the structure and the unit cell starting with 2 k 
points and then I increased the k points (relaxing the whole structure again) 
until the result was converged. If you want ot obtain a "proper" DOS you have 
to use a small lorentzian width (0.01) and at least 80 k-points to get rid of 
oscillations and spurious peaks.

Regarding the optimization with 2 uc, if you optimize the structure for 1 uc 
with a certain number of k-point you can use that optimize coordinates, reapeat 
them using the optimized lattice vectors and use half the number of k-points. 
You do not have to relax them again.



 Victor Manuel Garcia Suarez
 Research Assistant   | Tlf: 0044 - (0)1524 593 995
 Physics Department   | Fax: 0044 - (0)1524 844 037
 Lancaster University | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Lancaster LA1 4YB    |      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 United Kingdom       | www: http://condmat.uniovi.es/victor

-----Original Message-----
From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,              
http://www.uam.es/siesta on behalf of navaratnarajah kuganathan
Sent: Wed 6/1/2005 16:47
Subject: [SIESTA-L] Nanotube
Dear All,

I am a new student  to the field of calculation on carbon nanotube using 
SIESTA.I would like to have a 2unit cell optimised structure of carbonnanotube  
for 10-10 tube.I have already done 2 unit cell optimisation for zigzag nanotube 
.My procedure was as follows.

1 Geometry optimisation  with mesh 250 Ry and with that optimised coordinates I 
optimised   mesh  seeing the total energy (No geometry optimisation CG=0).In 
this case I have not used any k points.
2.Then with the optimised mesh and coordinates I have started k point 
optimisation(using block monkhorstpack and No geometry optimisation CG=0).Then 
I found the required  k points 10.Then I have done 1 k point variable 
relaxation .
3.With the coordinates and lattice parameters ,I did Fixed geometry 
optimisation using 10  k points.
4.Finally with the optimised coordinates I did Variable cell realxation .

Fianlly I obtained  the good Density of states plot and  band structures for 
this unit cell relaxation..Like wise I have done optimisation for 2 unit cell 
calcualtion generating the coordinates from the final variable relaxation.Here 
also I obtained the good DOS and band structures.
When I was doing calcualtion for zig zag tube I observed the final pressure  
for 1 unitcell fixed relaxation was  -4.0569  Kbar.Then it was reduced to 
-0.0004   when doing va riable cell relaxation

But When I am doing the calcualtion using the same procedure  for 10-10 tube I 
couldnot  find any good DOS  and band structure  for 1 unit cell.I have not 
done for 2 unitcell calcualtion.In this case pressure was -104.7488 for fixed 
relaxation .

Interestingly when I tried putting 280 Mesh and 60k  points for 10-10 tube 
(just putting all the values in the same input file ,see the input below) I got 
the very good band structures and DOS.Can I generate the coordinates for 2 Unit 
cell calculation ?.Any one who has done this type of calcualtion is required to 
help in this regard.


#FDF file for 10-10 nanotube
#NumCG =50!!!
SystemName       10-10 tube
SystemLabel      SWNT_10_10
NumberOfAtoms     40            # Number of atoms
NumberOfSpecies   1
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
  1   6   C
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
PAO.Basis < C_Basis.fdf          # contains optimized basis
# Lattice, coordinates, k-sampling
LatticeConstant    1.00  Ang
%block LatticeVectors
 25.000000  0.000000    0.0000000
 0.0000000  2.514900    0.0000000
 0.0000000  0.000000    25.000000
%endblock LatticeVectors
%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
 -20.0  10.00  0.200 500  eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates
#kgrid_cutoff  0.0 Bohr  # not used as kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack is specified
%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
 1  0   0   0.0
 0  60  0   0.0
 0  0   1   0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
WriteBands        .true.
BandLinesScale     ReciprocalLatticeVectors
%block BandLines
  1   0.0      0.0      0.0  \Gamma
 45   0.0      1.0      0.0  X
%endblock BandLines
SolutionMethod         diagon
ElectronicTemperature  300.0 K      # default = 300 K
AtomCoorFormatOut      Ang
# DFT, Grid, SCF
XC.functional           LDA         # Exchange-correlation functional type
XC.authors              CA          # Particular parametrization of xc func
SpinPolarized           F           # Spin unpolarized calculation
MeshCutoff              280. Ry     # Equivalent planewave cutoff for the grid
MaxSCFIterations        200         # Maximum number of SCF iterations per step
DM.MixingWeight         0.3         # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance            1.d-4       # Tolerance in maximum difference
                                    # between input and output DM
DM.NumberPulay          3           # Number of SCF steps between pulay mixing

# Molecular dynamics and relaxations
MD.TypeOfRun            cg          # Type of dynamics:
MD.VariableCell         F
MD.NumCGSteps           300
MD.MaxStressTol         0.02 GPa
MD.MaxForceTol          0.04 eV/Ang
MD.TargetPressure       0.00 GPa
# Output options
WriteCoorInitial        T
WriteCoorStep           T      # must be set false to write coords at each 
relax step to .ANI file
WriteForces             T
WriteKpoints            F
WriteEigenvalues        F       # use with eig2dos to plot density of states
WriteKbands             F
WriteBands              F
WriteMullikenPop        0            # Write Mulliken Population Analysis
WriteCoorXmol           F
WriteCoorCerius         F       # writes final coordinats for Cerius
WriteMDCoorXmol         F
WriteDM                 T       # true is default - allows for a restart using 
DM from previous run
WriteMDhistory          F
WriteCoorXmol           F
# Options for saving/reading information
DM.UseSaveDM            T       # Use DM Continuation files (use for restarting 
MD.UseSaveXV            T      # Use stored positions and velocities (use for 
restart jobs)
UseSaveData             T       # useful if a restart is needed
MD.UseSaveCG            T      # Use stored positions and velocities
SaveRho                 F        # Write valence pseudocharge at the mesh
SaveDeltaRho            F        # Write RHOscf-RHOatm at the mesh
SaveElectrostaticPotential F   # Write the total elect. pot. at the mesh
SaveTotalPotential      F      # Write the total pot. at the mesh
WriteSiestaDim          F      # Write minimum dim to siesta.h and stop
WriteDenchar            F       # Write information for DENCHAR
AtomicCoordinatesFormat   NotScaledCartesianAng
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
      9.680181     0.628716    18.833418 1
     11.058592     0.628716    19.281291 1
      6.496028     0.628716    15.966395 1
      7.347933     0.628716    17.138942 1
      5.605189     0.628716    11.775326 1
      5.605189     0.628716    13.224674 1
      7.347933     0.628716     7.861058 1
      6.496028     0.628716     9.033605 1
     11.058592     0.628716     5.718709 1
      9.680181     0.628716     6.166582 1
     15.319819     0.628716     6.166582 1
     13.941408     0.628716     5.718709 1
     18.503972     0.628716     9.033605 1
     17.652067     0.628716     7.861058 1
     19.394811     0.628716    13.224674 1
     19.394811     0.628716    11.775326 1
     17.652067     0.628716    17.138942 1
     18.503972     0.628716    15.966395 1
     13.941408     0.628716    19.281291 1
     15.319819     0.628716    18.833418 1
      9.033605     1.886184    18.503972 1
     11.775326     1.886184    19.394811 1
      6.166582     1.886184    15.319819 1
      7.861058     1.886184    17.652067 1
      5.718709     1.886184    11.058592 1
      5.718709     1.886184    13.941408 1
      7.861058     1.886184     7.347933 1
      6.166582     1.886184     9.680181 1
     11.775326     1.886184     5.605189 1
      9.033605     1.886184     6.496028 1
     15.966395     1.886184     6.496028 1
     13.224674     1.886184     5.605189 1
     18.833418     1.886184     9.680181 1
     17.138942     1.886184     7.347933 1
     19.281291     1.886184    13.941408 1
     19.281291     1.886184    11.058592 1
     17.138942     1.886184    17.652067 1
     18.833418     1.886184    15.319819 1
     13.224674     1.886184    19.394811 1
     15.966395     1.886184    18.503972 1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

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