Miguel Alonso Pruneda wrote:

There is an example of H pseudopotential in the SIESTA distribution.
Check "siesta/Examples/Vps/H.inp" (also, notice the "README" file in the
same directory)

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately it does not exactly answer my
For me, the question is not about getting a pseudopotential for
hydrogen, but to get a pseudopotenitial for a (fictitious) atom with a
core charge of 1.25 and 1.25 electrons. You need such pseudo-atoms to
correctly saturate the surfaces of 2D-periodic models of polar compound

So the real question is, can SIESTA handle atoms with non-integer core
charges, i.e. Z=1.25 ?
And if that is possible, how do I specify such atoms in SIESTA and how
do I generate the required pseudopotentials?



Jan M. Knaup
Dipl. Phys.
Universitaet Paderborn       THERE IS NO JUSTICE, THERE IS JUST US
Fakultaet fuer Naturwissenschaften              - DEATH
Department Physik
33095 Paderborn

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