El 04/11/2004, a las 16:15, Michel Gelize escribió:

Hi all,

I just downloaded SIESTA and am having trouble compiling on a LINUX
system with Redhat 7.1 and pgf90 compiler.

The problem seems to be related to the code defining some variables as
arrays, and later on as variables that are not arrays. Specifically, I
get compile errors in atom.f from lines with iz, charge, and
Also, in basis_specs.f from nzeta. These are all defined in
basis_types.f as arrays but used in atom.f and basis_specs.f as if they
are not arrays.


Sorry about that... some compilers are laxer than others about checks,
and ours missed that one. Try the following:

a) In basis_specs.f, replace the line

       use basis_types

with the three lines:

      use basis_types, only: basis_def_t, shell_t, lshell_t, kbshell_t
      use basis_types, only: nsp, basis_parameters, ground_state_t
      use basis_types, only: destroy, copy_shell, initialize

b) In atom.f, replace the line

       use basis_types


       use basis_types, only: basis_def_t

I hope that helps. Please let me know if it doesn't (and provide a
compiler log).


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