I am trying to do visualizations of the charge density for
non-spin-polarized silicon nanowire. After relaxation, I try to run
grid2cube with the following syntax (my input file for g2c is SiNW.g2c and
for simplicity's sake, my system label will be referred to as S_L):

./grid2cube.out < SiNW.g2c S_L.XV S_L.RHO > g2c.out

but when I do this, it returns that my nspin=0 and thus does not make a
.cube file at all.

My input file for g2c is:

0.0 0.0 0.0

This is the standard output of the command that I issued above:

 Cell vectors

   46.1754762584164       0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000
  0.000000000000000E+000   46.1754762584164       0.000000000000000E+000
  0.000000000000000E+000  0.000000000000000E+000   17.7734538727118

 Grid mesh:          216 x           0 x         216

 nspin =            0

Something seems strange to me about that '0' in the grid mesh, too.

I tried editing the fortran code for grid2cube.f, setting nspin=1 manually
inside the code, recompiling and running again, but this is what I get:

   68    0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
  216    0.213775    0.000000    0.000000
    0 NaN         Infinity    NaN
  216    0.000000    0.000000    0.082285
   14    0.000000    9.433099 NaN            0.903102
   14    0.000000    9.432789 NaN            5.318021
   14    0.000000   13.033586 NaN            6.808950
   14    0.000000   13.015757 NaN           11.235454
   14    0.000000   13.015924 NaN           12.758808
   14    0.000000   13.034385 NaN           17.185759
   14    0.000000   16.618908 NaN            0.904276
   14    0.000000   16.618154 NaN            5.315916
   14    0.000000   13.005918 NaN            0.916227
   14    0.000000   13.038506 NaN            5.327205
   14    0.000000   16.613020 NaN            6.851160
   14    0.000000   16.601408 NaN           11.252581
   14    0.000000    5.860178 NaN            0.916193
   14    0.000000    5.827284 NaN            5.327166
   14    0.000000    9.433099 NaN            6.820480
   14    0.000000    9.432860 NaN           11.246750
   14    0.000000    9.432089 NaN           12.764217
   14    0.000000    9.432765 NaN           17.163633
   14    0.000000    2.246604 NaN            0.904218
   14    0.000000    2.245486 NaN            5.316090
   14    0.000000    5.830740 NaN            6.808691
   14    0.000000    5.849300 NaN           11.235654
   14    0.000000    5.848824 NaN           12.758320
   14    0.000000    5.831752 NaN           17.185301
   14    0.000000    5.828020 NaN            0.893063
   14    0.000000    5.859017 NaN            5.304081
   14    0.000000    9.431658 NaN            6.829797
   14    0.000000    9.431909 NaN           11.229134

And this is obviously a non-result.

Additionally, I read on the boards something about using a program called
WSxM for visualization of SIESTA output. I downloaded the program, but could
not get it to load any of my output files for plotting. Anybody use this
regularly for plotting SIESTA output?

I also could not find the keywords to save RHO, DRHO, etc. in formatted
output. I think that may have something to do with this, at least maybe for
the WSxM part. My fdf file is attached for any who wish to help me tackle my
problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and I understand that in the
past few days there has been a lot of activity in the email list.

Thank you in advance for your kind help,

Abraham Hmiel
Research Assistant in Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience
Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the State University of New
York at Albany

Attachment: SiNW.fdf
Description: application/vnd.fdf

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