On 21/05/2008, at 12:53, Subhra Kulshrestha wrote:

Dear Users,

I have computed the optical properties of Si by using two program input.f and optical.f in the directory siesta-2.0.1/Util/Optical and the program is successfully run for Si but as I run the calculation for LaAs the file e2.dat successfully generated but when everytime when I type the command $./optical < e2.dat it is showing the error as follows

 Do you want to include a Drude term?
 This is typically needed for metals
 if yes: enter 1, if no: enter 0

What did you answer, 0 or 1?

invalid integer: read unexpected character
apparent state: unit 5 (unnamed)
last format: list io
lately reading direct formatted external IO

Please guide me where I have done a mistake ?

My .fdf file is as follows

SystemName          LaAs
SystemLabel         LaAs

NumberOfAtoms           2
NumberOfSpecies         2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
   1     57    La
   2     33    As
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisType       split
PAO.BasisSize       DZP
PAO.EnergyShift     0.1    eV
PAO.SplitNorm       0.2000

%block PAO.Basis                 # Define Basis set
La          2                    # Species label, number of l-shells
n=6 0 2 P 1 # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000      0.000
   1.000      1.000
 n=5   2   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
   0.000      0.000
   1.000      1.000
As          2                    # Species label, number of l-shells
n=4 0 2 P 1 # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   0.000      0.000
   1.000      1.000
 n=4   1   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
   0.000      0.000
   1.000      1.000
%endblock PAO.Basis

LatticeConstant      6.124 Ang

%block LatticeVectors
  0.0   0.5    0.5
  0.5   0.0    0.5
  0.5   0.5    0.0
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block GeometryConstraints
        routine constr
%endblock GeometryConstraints

MeshCutoff    112.0 Ry

# SCF options
MaxSCFIterations        100           # Maximum number of SCF iter
DM.MixingWeight 0.3 # New DM amount for next SCF cycle DM.Tolerance 1.d-4 # Tolerance in maximum difference
DM.NumberPulay           8             # Number of pulay mixing steps
DM.UseSaveDM .false. # tells if already existing density matrix is to be used or not

OpticalCalculation       .true.
Optical.EnergyMaximum     10 Ry
%block Optical.Mesh
 10 10 10
%endblock Optical.Mesh
Optical..Broaden          0.02 Ry
Optical.PolarizationType Polycrstal
%block Optical.Vector
 1.0 1.0 0.0
%block Optical.Vector

WriteMullikenPop         1
WriteForces              .true.
ElectronicTemperature    30 meV
xc.functional            LDA
xc..authors               CA
# WriteCoorStep        .true.
#AtomCoorFormatOut     Ang

SolutionMethod           Diagon        # OrderN or Diagon

AtomicCoordinatesFormat  Fractional
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     1
     0.5000     0.5000     0.5000     2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

MD.TypeOfRun          CG              # Type of dynamics:
MD.NumCGsteps         580             # Number of CG steps for
MD.MaxCGDispl         0.4    Ang      # Maximum atomic displacement
MD.MaxForceTol        0.01   eV/Ang   # Tolerance in the maximum
MD.MaxStressTol       0.1   GPa
MD.VariableCell       .true.

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
      8    0    0    0.0
      0    8    0    0.0
      0    0    8    0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
 -20.00  10.00  0.2  500  eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

WriteKpoints     ..true.
WriteEigenvalues .true.
WriteKbands      .true.
WriteBands       .true.

%block BandLines
1  1.00 1.00 1.00  L
25 2.00 2.00 2.00  \Gamma
25 2.00 0.00 0.00  X
25 2.00 1.00 0.00  W
25 1..00 1.00 1.00  L
25 1.00 1.00 0.00  K
25 0.00 0.00 0.00  \Gamma
%endblock BandLines

Thanks and Regards,

Subhra Kulshrestha
Project Fellow (UGC), Condensed MatterTheory Group
School of Studies in Physics
Jiwaji University, GWALIOR - 474011 (M.P.), INDIA

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