Hi Michel and all the list

Take a look at section 7.11 of the manual, I think this is what you want:

   (/logical/): Instructs to write the total charge density
   (ionic+electronic) at the mesh used by DHSCF, in file
   SystemLabel.TOCH. This file can be read by routine IORHO, which may
   be used by an application program in later versions. Remember that,
   within the SIESTA sign convention, the electron charge density is
   positive and the ionic charge density is negative.

   /Use:/ File SystemLabel.TOCH is only written, not read, by siesta.

   /Default value:/ .false.


Michel Sassi wrote:
Hi everybody,

I would like to extract the total electron density (core+valance)
at the end of SIESTA calculations in order to use it in a Bader analysis.
How can i take into account the core electron density in the .RHO file ?
Have you some suggestions ?

Thank you, best regards.

Michel Sassi.


# Ph.D. Student Lucas Fernández Seivane          Tlf: (+34) 985 102946 #
# Departamento de Fisica, Facultad de Ciencias   Fax: (+34) 985 102952 #
# Universidad de Oviedo                          Cell:(+34) 645 227396 #
# 33007 Oviedo (Asturias) - Spain                                      #

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