Hello all,

I'm trying to use SIESTA to calculate the phonon spectrum of two different
1D chains using the method perscribed in the vibra routine. I cannot,
however, get past the calculation of the force matrix. For each system that
I study, I use the relaxed coordinates (per each specific
exchange-correlation functional) as input, create the FC.fdf with fcbuild
with supercell_3=1 (1 above, 1 below in the z-direction, have also tried
supercell_3=2 with the same results) and then run this file in SIESTA like
the tutorials say to do:

SystemLabel             LDA_111_68_vibra_PD
NumberOfSpecies        2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
 1  14  Si
 2   1  H
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
PAO.BasisSize        DZP
MeshCutoff        200.0 Ry
%include FC.fdf

I would use this file for the relaxed geometry corresponding to the
stationary point found with an LDA xc-functional + PP and the PAO.BasisSize
DZP in the original calculation. For other systems like a BLYP xc-functional
and user-defined basis I would use those parameters in the input file (but
with roughly the same results, which follow). Defaults are used for
everything else, including the OrderN method since the full unit cell for
the FC calculation is about 200 atoms.

The FC calculation seems to run smoothly until I get something like this in
the standard output:

cgwf: iter =  984      grad =          -0.000241      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  985      grad =          -0.000241      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  986      grad =          -0.000241      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  987      grad =          -0.000243      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  988      grad =          -0.000248      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  989      grad =          -0.000257      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  990      grad =          -0.000260      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  991      grad =          -0.000263      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  992      grad =          -0.000257      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  993      grad =          -0.000256      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  994      grad =          -0.000250      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  995      grad =          -0.000253      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  996      grad =          -0.000252      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  997      grad =          -0.000252      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  998      grad =          -0.000251      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =  999      grad =          -0.000244      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter = 1000      grad =          -0.000238      Eb(Ry) =

cgwf: Maximum number of CG iterations reached

denmat: qtot (before DM normalization) =     765.6153
ordern: qtot (after  DM normalization) =     546.0000

siesta: iscf =    2
Eharris(eV) =     -12344.2602  E_KS(eV) =     -12020.4605  dDmax =  0.2649

ordern: enum =    546.0000
cgwf: iter =    1      grad =         -67.320865      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    2      grad =        -149.630916      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    3      grad =        -165.080016      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    4      grad =        -122.780882      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    5      grad =        -128.457462      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    6      grad =        -107.815766      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    7      grad =        -105.320678      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    8      grad =         -92.022410      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    9      grad =         -88.452386      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   10      grad =        -202.420032      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   11      grad =       -2466.490254      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   12      grad =        -163.364902      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   13      grad =       -1168.957839      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   14      grad =        -161.959255      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   15      grad =       -1102.828538      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   16      grad =        -157.425714      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   17      grad =        -194.373222      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   18      grad =     -182605.315981      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   19      grad =     -217036.659307      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   20      grad =        -249.395730      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   21      grad =        -244.560067      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   22      grad =        -152.248315      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   23      grad =        -232.419799      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   24      grad =   -96401477.679874      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   25      grad =  -107154809.385566      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   26      grad =       -1438.764936      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   27      grad =       -1408.809784      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   28      grad =     -186592.532696      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   29      grad =     -217965.896792      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   30      grad =        -302.647048      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   31      grad =        -194.085227      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   32      grad =     -148740.557077      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   33      grad =    -2536890.389917      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   34      grad =    -5780230.992347      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   35      grad =  -132426997.296064      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   36      grad =  -354656197.135856      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   37      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   38      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   39      grad = -2197752344.447697      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   40      grad =        -402.146008      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   41      grad =  -430786270.291137      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   42      grad =  -430958482.835069      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   43      grad =   -82331696.109239      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   44      grad =    -2565001.988477      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   45      grad =      -80853.063402      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   46      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =

cgwf:  CG tolerance reached

denmat: qtot (before DM normalization) = ************
ordern: qtot (after  DM normalization) =     546.0000

siesta: iscf =    3
Eharris(eV) =      -7881.8204  E_KS(eV) =     -12044.3075  dDmax = 21.6098

ordern: enum =    546.0000
cgwf: iter =    1      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    2      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    3      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    4      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    5      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    6      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    7      grad = ******************      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    8      grad =                NaN      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =    9      grad =                NaN      Eb(Ry) =
cgwf: iter =   10      grad =                NaN      Eb(Ry) =

The end result is that I get a force constants matrix full of NaN's, no
matter which 1-D chain I run. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... has
anybody run into this problem before? Could you suggest additional
simulation parameters that help to converge this type of calculation?

Thank you, wise SIESTA gurus.

Abraham Hmiel
Research Assistant
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Albany

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