
     I came across a problem when I used the rho2xsf to convert the
filename.RHO to the .XSF format,and the result as follows:

Specify  SystemLabel (or 'siesta' if none): 33shimo
 Found and opened:
 Opened as new:
 Now define the grid cell for your XCrysDen plot.
 Note that it can be arbitrarly chosen with respect to the Siesta simulation
cell, and it needs not to be orthogonal. We'll define it by the origin point
and three spanning vectors. They can be given in Bohr or Ang.
 Would you use Bohr (B) or Ang (A) ? A
  Enter origin point in Angstroem:
10.000 4.920 -9.836
  Enter first spanning vector in Angstroem:
20.000 0.000 0.000
  Enter second spanning vector in Angstroem:
0.000 9.840 0.000
  Enter third spanning vector in Angstroem:
0.000 0.000 20.000
  The box contains           56  atoms.
 Now define the grid. If you want it two-dimensional,
 give 1 as number of grid points along one spanning vector.
 Enter number of grid points along three vectors: 20 20 20
 Add grid property (LDOS, RHO, ...; or BYE if none): RHO
 Found and opened: 33shimo.RHO
 mesh0 = (           0          16           0 ),   nspin=         180
forrtl: severe (71): integer divide by zero
Image              PC                Routine            Line
rho2xsf            0000000000405884  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
rho2xsf            0000000000405006  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
rho2xsf            00000000004026CA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libc.so.6          000000305CE1D8A4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
rho2xsf            00000000004025E9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
  can you help me?could you give me some advices ?thank you very much.
  I am looking forward to your reply!

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