Dear Oleksandr

Thank you for your quick answer, I will try 0.005 eV/Ang for the convergence criteria. for MD.FCDispl I use the default that according the manual is 0.04 Bohr is that enough?

I.K. Ortega

Quoting "Oleksandr Voznyy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The requirements for the forces are also much higher when doing calculations in frozen phonons approximation. So set the relaxation to lets say 0.005 eV/A and also don't take too big deviations when calculating force matrix. The deviations should be as small as possible liek less than 0.1 Bohr.

 Dr. Ismael Kenneth Ortega Colomer
 postdoc tutkija
 Department of Physics
 Division of Atmospheric Sciences
 University of Helsinki
 P.O. Box 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a)
 Fi-00014 Helsinki, Finland
 phone +358-0-407756812, fax +358-9-191 50610

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