Dear s.auluck:

          Thank you for your advices,now I have compiled the plrho
successfully.and I can plot the file.RHO with plrho,the display as follows:

plrho: cell =
   37.794159    0.000000    0.000000
    0.000000   18.594912    0.000000
    0.000000    0.000000   37.794159
plrho: mesh  =   180    90   180
plrho: nspin =     1
plrho: f1min, f1max =   0.000000E+00   0.323831E+00
plrho: color index range =     0   99
 grays: color index range =           0         99
plrho: number of triangles =  198828
Type < RETURN > for next page:

I use the plrho.dat above is:

'33shimo'              System label, used to name input files
   'rho'               Function(s) to plot ('rho'|'ldos'|'spin'|'vt'|'vh')
   0.0  0.0  90.0      Euler rotation angles alpha, beta, gamma
   4.e-2              Value of electron density (or LDOS) for isosurface
  -0.2  +0.2  +1.0    Saturation range for color function
   'unformatted'      Data format ('formatted'|'unformatted')
   '/XWIN'            Output option ('/XWIN'|'/PS'|'/CPS'|+more)

and I can get the image of  file.RHO,but I'd like to get the postscript
format ,so  I change the plrho.dat,and I set the Output option as "
/PS",but  I get  nothing except for the following fault

plrho: cell =
   37.794159    0.000000    0.000000
    0.000000   18.594912    0.000000
    0.000000    0.000000   37.794159
plrho: mesh  =   180    90   180
plrho: nspin =     1
plrho: f1min, f1max =   0.000000E+00   0.323831E+00
plrho: color index range =     0   255
 grays: color index range =           0         255
plrho: number of triangles =  198828
segmentation fault

can you help me?I hope I can get some advices from everyone who can help
me.thank you in advance ! I am looking forward to your reply



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