Are you able to run (successfully) scalapack and blacs tests?
Maybe the problem has nothing to do with siesta, it looks like
a communication problem.

On 23/09/2008, at 4:30, M Bharat Kumar wrote:

Hello All,

When trying to run simulations using siesta on our new cluster, I am not able to complete the simulations because of mpi errors. I tried both siesta 2.0 and siesta 2.0.1. The compilers are icc and ifort. I tried using scalapack and blacs routines suppplied in intel mkl libraries as well as self-compiled scalapack and blacs. Also I tried mvapich2-1.03, mvapich2-1.2RC2, and intel mpi 3.1. Whatever combination I am trying, the program is stopping in the middle of simulation with errors like

Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168 < 32128) less than as expected Warning! Rndv Receiver is receiving (7168 < 32128) less than as expected
Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144)........................: MPI_Bcast(buf=0xc92c9d0, count=1, dtype=USER<vector>, root=0, comm=0xc4000006) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag 2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168
Fatal error in MPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
MPI_Bcast(1144)........................: MPI_Bcast(buf=0x14fb740, count=1, dtype=USER<vector>, root=0, comm=0xc4000006) failed
MPIDI_CH3U_Post_data_receive_found(439): Message from rank 0 and tag 2 truncated; 32128 bytes received but buffer size is 7168
rank 11 in job 4  master_45552   caused collective abort of all ranks
  exit status of rank 11: killed by signal 9

Thinking that the error may be due to stack size, I set ulimit-s 256000 and also tried using -heap_arrays flag, but with no success.
Some one please point out the source of error.


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