
Two questions, 1. Are you using MPI? and 2. Are you running the code with
stderr redirected to your output file? i.e:
siesta <in.fdf >& logfile


2008/10/21 Arun Kumar Manna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  Dear All,
>          I am facing problem with Optical Conductivity calculation using
>  siesta2.0 package. After scf calculation, the programme suddenly stops.
>  And also, I am not getting any error message. My input file structure is
>  as follows:
>  opticalcalculation         .true.
>  optical.Broaden             0.05 eV
>  optical.EnergyMinimum       0eV
>  Optical.EnergyMaximum       150eV
>  optical.polarizationtype    unpolarized
>  %block optical.vector
>  0.000  1.000  0.000
>  %endblock optical.vector
>  And programme stops by writing the following last few lines in output
> file:
>  siesta: Stress tensor (static) (eV/Ang**3):
>  siesta:    -0.004591    0.001509   -0.003361
>  siesta:     0.001509   -0.004573   -0.003421
>  siesta:    -0.003361   -0.003421   -0.007421
>  siesta: Cell volume =       3742.787580 Ang**3
>  siesta: Pressure (static):
>  siesta:                Solid            Molecule  Units
>  siesta:           0.00006021         -0.00000053  Ry/Bohr**3
>  siesta:           0.00552868         -0.00004848  eV/Ang**3
>  siesta:           8.85801365         -0.07766841  kBar
>  siesta: Total spin polarization (Qup-Qdown) =    0.008491
>  siesta: Electric dipole (a.u.)  =   -2.862047    0.000000    2.393311
>  siesta: Electric dipole (Debye) =   -7.274602    0.000000    6.083193
>  Could anybody please help me by having a look at my input/output file?
>  Thanks
>  Arun
> --
> PhD Student
> JNCASR, Bangalore-560064
> India

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