Dear SIESTA users,

I am having problems with constrained dynamics in SIESTA. I am using z-martix 
to describe the geometry of the system (for testing purposes I am simulating 
H2O2 molecule) and I want to keep the O-O distance constant. Here is how my 
input file looks like:

SystemName              h2o2
SystemLabel             h2o2
NumberOfAtoms           4
NumberOfSpecies         2
%block Chemical_Species_Label
    1   8   O
    2   1   H
%endblock Chemical_Species_Label
PAO.BasisSize           DZP
NetCharge              0.000000
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang
ZM.UnitsLength    Ang
Zm.UnitsAngle     deg
%block Zmatrix
 1   0   0   0   2.03222100   2.89235500   2.67244000   1   1   1   ###O1
 1   1   0   0   const   89.44993852   8.65938260   0   1   1   ###O2
 2   2   1   0   0.96   109.471   -115.964   1   1   1   ###H1                  
 2   1.836000   2.040004   3.060007   1   1   1   ###H2
 const 1.49
%endblock Zmatrix
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
LatticeConstant        1.0 Ang
%block LatticeParameters
    6.000    6.000    6.000   90.0   90.0   90.0
%endblock LatticeParameters
kgrid_cutoff           0.000000 Ang
XC.functional           GGA
XC.Authors              PBE
SpinPolarized           .false.
MeshCutoff              100 Ry
MaxSCFIterations        50
DM.MixingWeight         0.05
DM.Tolerance            0.0001
DM.NumberPulay          10
SolutionMethod          diagon
ElectronicTemperature   5.0 K
MD.TypeOfRun            Nose
MD.InitialTimeStep      1
MD.FinalTimeStep        50
MD.LengthTimeStep       1.0 fs
MD.InitialTemperature   350.0 K
MD.TargetTemperature    350.0 K
WriteCoorInitial        .true.
WriteCoorStep           .true.

Note the '0' value in the line corresponding to the 'const' constant defined 

The problem is - distance is not constant but it is changing during the run. 
What am I doing wrong?


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