> Dear SIESTA users,
> could you please explain me the sense of MeshCutoff parameter in SIESTA?
> The manual is short in this respect:

Dear Ruslan,
check the basic Siesta paper, J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 14 (2002) p.2745
notably section 6, "Grid integrals"

> I can understand energy cutoff parameter in plane-wave based codes like
> it just controls the number of plane waves used to render wavefunctions.
> Thus, in VASP it actually controls the accuracy of calculation.
> But SIESTA is based on atomic orbitals.
> So what this parameter actually does in SIESTA?

It does not affect the size of matrix to diagonalize,
but affects the accuracy of calculation.

> Should the calculation be converged relative to this parameter?

Yes if you care about accurate total energy and/or forces.

> Any recommendations?

Check tutorials on the Siesta web page, e.g. Lyon 2007,
"Systematic convergence for realistic projects" (D. Sanchez-Portal)

Best regards


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