Dear Rusla,

I think that the problem comes from the keyword "number of species". As you 
used 2 differents basis for your Si atom you haved in fact 3 differents species 
and not 2 (DZP Si and SZ Si are different species for SIESTA).
I think you need to put in you input
"NumberOfSpecies 3" and see if there is a change.

Hope that will help you

David Cornil

De : Руслан Жачук <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À :
Envoyé le : Mercredi, 26 Novembre 2008, 14h00mn 25s
Objet : [SIESTA-L] PAO.BasisSizes problem

Dear SIESTA users,

I have problem with specifying different basis sets for different atoms.
The manual is not clear in this respect.
Could you please show me the correct input for fdf file?

Kind regards

P.S. Below are list of files in folder, error message and my fdf file.




initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals ----------
 Species number:            1  Label: Si-surface Atomic number:          14
 Species number:            2  Label: Si-bulk Atomic number:          14
Wrong specnum in Chemical_species_label
Stopping Program from Node:    0


# Si(100) - asymmetric 2x1 reconstruction
# Oscar Paz

SystemName              Si(100)-2x1 3 layers (H-saturated)
SystemLabel             si2x1h
NumberOfAtoms           10
NumberOfSpecies 2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
        1       14      Si-surface
        2       14      Si-bulk
        3       1       H-saturate
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisType           split
# PAO.BasisSize           DZP

%block            PAO.BasisSizes
  Si-surface      DZP  
  Si-bulk         SZ
  H-saturate      SZ
%endblock         PAO.BasisSizes

PAO.EnergyShift 200 meV
PAO.SplitNorm           0.30

LatticeConstant 3.8184 Ang      # a_s = a_0 / sqrt(2) , a_0 = 5.40 Ang

%block LatticeParameters
        1.      2.      3.      90.     90.     90.
%endblock LatticeParameters

AtomicCoordinatesFormat ScaledCartesian

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   -0.00002372    0.29326368    0.19010387   1  
    0..00001337    0.85385554    0.02205212   1  
    0.49997747   -0.00525118    0.33008893   1  
    0.50001096    0.97940531    0.34402895   1  
    0.50000000    0.50000000    0.70710000   2  
    0.50000000    1.50000000    0.70710000   2  
    0.20200000    0.50000000    0.95470000   3  
    0.79800000    0.50000000    0.95470000   3  
    0.20200000    1.50000000    0.95470000   3  
    0.79800000    1.50000000    0.95470000   3  
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

%block GeometryConstraints
        position from 5 to 10
%endblock GeometryConstraints

kgrid_cutoff            5.0 Ang

XC.functional           LDA
XC.authors              PZ

MeshCutoff              10. Ry

DM.MixingWeight 0.1
DM.NumberPulay  3
SolutionMethod  diagon

MD.TypeOfRun            CG
MD.NumCGsteps           50
MD.MaxCGDispl           0.02 Ang
MD.MaxForceTol  0.02 eV/Ang
WriteCoorStep           .true.
WriteForces             .true.

WriteMullikenPop        1

WriteCoorXmol           .true.
WriteMDXmol             .true..
WriteMDhistory          .true.

DM.UseSaveDM            .true.
MD.UseSaveXV            .true.

MD.UseSaveCG            .true.
SaveRho                 .true.
SaveDeltaRho            .true.

SaveElectrostaticPotential      .true.
SaveTotalPotential      .true.


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