
Even though your system is not too large (not a very large number of
atoms, try decreasing the mixing weight to something like 0.05 or even
lower. Works in most cases. Maybe a slightly higher cutoff (250-300 Ry,
maybe) would help, but I never really made a systematic study on how
cutoff values influence the convergence of the scf loop. However, the
lower missing weight is almost sure to help.



Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Gregory Geneste
> Quoting Marcos Verissimo Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Questions that come up on previous messages, also... :) What are the
>> parameters you are using for your calculation?
>> Cheers,
>> Marcos
> Dear Marcos,
> here follows my input file as well as the basis used for the calculation.
> #
> # General system descriptors
> #
> SystemName     BFO
> SystemLabel    BFO
> NumberOfAtoms          30
> NumberOfSpecies         3
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
>        1      83     Bi
>        2      26     Fe
>        3       8     O
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> #
> # Basis definition
> #
> PAO.EnergyShift  0.01 Ry
> PAO.BasisType    split
> block PAO.Basis < basis.fdf
> %block PS.lmax
>     Bi    3
>     Fe    3
>      O    3
> %endblock PS.lmax
> #
> # Lattice, coordinates, k-sampling
> #
> LatticeConstant       5.517471 Ang
> %block LatticeVectors
> 1.00  0.00  0.00
> 0.00  1.00  0.00
> 0.00  0.00  3.20
> %endblock LatticeVectors
> AtomicCoordinatesFormat            Bohr
> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
>     0.00000   0.00000   0.00000  1
>     5.21326   5.21326   0.00000  1
>     0.00000   0.00000   7.40297  1
>     5.21326   5.21326   7.40297  1
>     0.00000   0.00000  14.80550  1
>     5.21326   5.21326  14.80550  1
>     0.00000   5.21326   3.70126  2
>     0.00000   5.21326  11.10424  2
>     5.21326   0.00000   3.70126  2
>     5.21326   0.00000  11.10424  2
>     0.00000   5.21326  18.50676  2
>     5.21326   0.00000  18.50676  2
>     0.00000   5.21326   0.00000  3
>     5.21326   0.00000   0.00000  3
>     0.00000   5.21326   7.40297  3
>     5.21326   0.00000   7.40297  3
>     2.60663   2.60663   3.70126  3
>     7.81988   7.81988   3.70126  3
>     2.60663   7.81988   3.70126  3
>     7.81988   2.60663   3.70126  3
>     2.60663   2.60663  11.10424  3
>     7.81988   7.81988  11.10424  3
>     2.60663   7.81988  11.10424  3
>     7.81988   2.60663  11.10424  3
>     0.00000   5.21326  14.80550  3
>     5.21326   0.00000  14.80550  3
>     2.60663   2.60663  18.50676  3
>     7.81988   7.81988  18.50676  3
>     2.60663   7.81988  18.50676  3
>     7.81988   2.60663  18.50676  3
> %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
> # Magnetism
> FixSpin               .true.
> TotalSpin               0.0
> NonCollinearSpin      .false.
> %block DM.InitSpin
>     7   +     # Atom index, spin, theta, phi (deg)
>     8   -
>     9   -
>     10  +
>     11  +
>     12  -
> %endblock DM.InitSpin
> %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
>     4   0   0    0.0
>     0   4   0    0.0
>     0   0   1    0.0
> %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
> #
> # DFT, Grid, SCF
> #
> XC.Functional          LDA
> XC.Authors             CA                 # CA = Ceperley-Alder
> SpinPolarized          .true.
> MeshCutoff             200 Ry
> Diag.DivideAndConquer   .false.
> #note: this one has been added after the message:
> #Failure to converge standard eigenproblem Stopping Program from Node: 0
> DM.MixingWeight        0.1000      # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
> DM.Tolerance           1.d-5       # Tolerance in maximum difference
>                                     # between input and output DM
> DM.NumberPulay         3
> #DM.NumberKick          21
> #DM.KickMixingWeight    0.200
> MaxSCFIterations       150
> #
> # Eigenvalue problem: order-N or diagonalization
> #
> SolutionMethod         diagon
> ElectronicTemperature  300 K
> #
> # Molecular dynamics and relaxations
> #
> MD.TypeOfRun            CG          # Type of dynamics:
>                                      #   - CG
>                                      #   - Verlet
>                                      #   - Nose
>                                      #   - Parrinello-Rahman
>                                      #   - Nose-Parrinello-Rahman
>                                      #   - Anneal
>                                      #   - FC
> MD.VariableCell         .false.     # The lattice is relaxed together with
>                                      # the atomic coordinates?
> MD.NumCGsteps            300         # Number of CG steps for
>                                      #   coordinate optimization
> MD.MaxCGDispl           0.5 Bohr    # Maximum atomic displacement
>                                      #   in one CG step
> MD.MaxForceTol          0.01 eV/Ang # Tolerance in the maximum
>                                      #   atomic force
> MD.MaxStressTol         0.0005 eV/Ang**3
> #
> # Output options
> #
> LongOutput              .false.
> WriteCoorStep           .true.
> WriteForces             .true.
> WriteMullikenPop        0            # Write Mulliken Population Analysis
>                                       #   - 0 = None
>                                       #   - 1 = atomic and orbital charges
>                                       #   - 2 = 1 + atomic overlap
> population
>                                       #   - 3 = 2 + orbital overlap
> population
> WriteCoorXmol           .true.
> WriteMDCoorXmol         .false.
> WriteMDhistory          .false.
> WriteEigenvalues        .true.
> AllocReportLevel        2            # Sets the level of the allocation
> report
>                                       #   - 0 = No report at all (default)
>                                       #   - 1 = Only total memory peak
> and where
>                                       #         it ocurred
>                                       #   - 2 = detailed report printed
> only
>                                       #         at normal program
> termination
>                                       #   - 3 = detailed report printed at
>                                       #         every new memory peak
>                                       #   - 4 = print every individual
>                                       #         (re)allocation or
> deallocation
> #
> # Options for saving/reading information
> #
> DM.UseSaveDM            .false.      # Use DM Continuation files
> MD.UseSaveXV            .false.      # Use stored positions and velocities
> MD.UseSaveCG            .false.      # Use CG history information
> SaveRho                 .false.      # Write valence pseudocharge at the
> mesh
> SaveDeltaRho            .false.      # Write RHOscf-RHOatm at the mesh
> SaveElectrostaticPotential .false.   # Write the total elect. pot. at the
> mesh
> SaveTotalPotential      .false.      # Write the total pot. at the mesh
> #WriteSiestaDim         .false.      # Write minimum dim to siesta.h and
> stop
> WriteDenchar            .false.      # Write information for DENCHAR
> My basis and pseudopotentials include semicore electrons for Bi and Fe
> and perfectly work
> for bulk R3c BiFeO3:
> PAO.BasisType    split
> %block PAO.Basis
> Bi    4
>   n=5    2    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=6    0    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=6    1    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=7    0    1
>     0.000
>     1.000
> Fe    4
>   n=3    1    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=4    0    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=3    2    2  P  1
>     0.000        0.000
>     1.000        1.000
>   n=4    1    1
>     0.000
>     1.000
> O    2
>   n=2   0   2
>     0.000      0.000
>     1.000      1.000
>   n=2   1   2 P   1
>     0.000      0.000
>     1.000      1.000
> %endblock PAO.Basis

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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