
It might be easier to do this using the z-matrix feature; if I'm not
mistaken the z-matrix allows you to fix lengths and angles for given
atoms. One way I found to generate the z-matrix was to use Molden to write
the z-matrix once I had generated the cartesian coordinates. Then I had to
change one or two angles, but after you do it twice you already get the
feeling of what has to be done.



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Luis Alberto
> Dear Users
> I´d like to apply a restrict geometry optimization considering the atom 1
> and
> atom 2 form an angle of 45 graus and fix it. Using the constr.f file tha
> calculation not converge.
> I am using the file contr.f
>       subroutine constr( cell, na, isa, amass, xa, stress, fa )
> c real*8  cell(3,3)    : input lattice vectors (Bohr)
> c integer na           : input number of atoms
> c integer isa(na)      : input species indexes
> c real*8  amass(na)    : input atomic masses
> c real*8  xa(3,na)     : input atomic cartesian coordinates (Bohr)
> c real*8  stress( 3,3) : input/output stress tensor (Ry/Bohr**3)
> c real*8  fa(3,na)     : input/output atomic forces (Ry/Bohr)
> c integer ntcon        : output total number of position constraints
> c                        imposed in this routine
>       integer na, isa(na), ntcon
>       double precision amass(na), cell(3,3), fa(3,na),
>      .                 stress(3,3), xa(3,na), fz
>       fxy1 = (fa(1,1) + fa(2,1))/2.
>       fxy2 = (fa(1,2) + fa(2,2))/2.
>       fa(1,1) = fxy1
>       fa(2,1) = fxy1
>       fa(1,2) = fxy2
>       fa(2,2) = fxy2
>       ntcon=2
>       end
> best regards
> luis
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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