Dear SIESTA users,

I need to calculate Si unreconstructed and unrelaxed surface formation
energy very accurately.
Previously I used another atomic orbitals based code, AIMPRO and found that
it gives big error.
The relation I used is


Esurf - surface energy
Etot - total energy of the slab
u - energy per one Si atom in Si bulk
N - number of atoms in the slab

For Si(100) surface in AIMPRO it does about 159 meV/A2,
whereas VASP gives 149 meV/A2. (LDA, both calculations converged)

In my opinion this is because there is not enough basis functions in vacuum
between slabs,
so the electron density distribution cannot be approximated correctly and
this makes total
energy of the slab higher. I did some tests placing "ghost" atoms above Si
surface and
they indeed lower surface energy considerably.

My question is if there is a way to calculate surface formation energy
accurately in
atomic orbitals based code like SIESTA or AIMPRO? These "ghost" atoms are
confusing me,
I don't know how to test convergence with respect to these atoms. The cutoff
energy in
plane waves based code is much more straightforward.

Kind regards

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