Dear Andrei Postnikov,
I am really thankful to you for the valuable suggestions.
 1.  I have experimented by both setting the DM.InitSpin block and not. In
my collinear calculations, anyhow  it is not making much of a change
regarding the magnetic moment values
2. I feel that eventhough  the magnetic moments of 3d atoms for 2D and 1D
systems  are larger than the corresponding bulk, the values I am getting for
Fe and Co is much higher. I have to figure out this by properly setting
other input parameters.
3. As I just started learnig Siesta, I think it will take some time for me
to get a feel for the numbers Siesta give.
4. I understood your point regarding the k mesh. I have to do convergence
tests to find out the k grid values in periodic and non-periodic directions.
I think a fine kgrid can give me more accurate magnetic moment .
5. I do have Xcrysden installed. Visualization using the  Sies2xsf tool
correctly gave the  bcc(110) nanowire  structure

With best regards,


Assa Aravindh.S
Research Scholar
Theory and Computational Studies Section,
Material Science Division, IGCAR, India

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