
 In your input file I count 25 atoms, whereas some lines earlier you
 tell to read 27 ...



On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Sridhar Neelamraju wrote:

Hello all,
I have just started using Siesta. I am attaching my input file. My
system is basically an organic molecule with gold clusters on either
side (27 atoms in
total) and I want to do a PDOS calculation for this.

Now, the problem is that the siesta does not like my input file. I get
an error from Coor.F saying
?At line 182 of Coor.F
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1?.

Line 182 of the code reads some variable called ?iunit?, an integer! I
assume not being able to read this is causing a problem.

It does recognise the xyz format. I have compared the the
AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies block with the samples given. I dont
see what is going wrong. Could this be because of the value I give to
the latticeconstant? Any help is much appreciated.

Also, does it help to use the z-matrix formulation? I find it easier
to work with xyz formats.


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