If you're using a script for producing a publication-quality plot, inside
the script you can do

set xzeroaxis
plot 'mydata.dat' u ($1+ef):2

otherwise you can simply do, on the command line of gnuplot:

plot 'mydata.dat' u ($1+3.4567):2

and voilà, you have a shifted x-axis with the Fermi level set to zero.

Also try looking at this website, crammed with wonderful tips:


It might satisfy more than 90% of your needs with gnuplot!



Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu... tim
> Hi,
> I am very sorry for the relatively unrelated question, but I always use
> "gnuplot" to for plotting, but I do not know how to set fermi level on the
> x-axis to zero in "gnuplot" or what is the comment to shift the point on
> x-axis?
> I would be grateful if expert Siesta users kindly help me on this subject.
> Regards,
> Tim

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


Gort, Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto.

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