Dear Andrei:

Thank you very much for such a good introduction to SIESTA.
As usual, your contributions are of a great help. Thanks
on behalf of all the team...


Jose A. Torres, Ph.D.
Manager of the SIESTA Software

> Dear Siesta community,
> a small document composed by me with the primary aim
> of giving to students a broader introduction to the concepts of Siesta,
> is accessible at
> It is more than one month old, in which time I hoped to update it,
> and also or to get a chance to see if some of the raised issues
> disappear in the version 3.0, but none of these opportunities
> has materialized. So the document is open to all your criticisms
> and suggestions, which are highly welcome.
> If whoever would need a source in order to develop it inso something
> bigger or better, please contact me
> Best regards
> --- Andrei Postnikov ---
> Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Chimie, Physique et Mat'eriaux,
> Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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