Hi Eric,
You must sign up for a user account on the SIESTA website to access
the pseudopotentials: this took a day or two for me.  Then, once you
log in, on your user menu on the left you will see an option for
pseudos and bases.

2009/6/8 Eric Perim <eric.pe...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for the helpful tutorial. But where is this Siesta pseudopotential
> database you mention on it?
> Regards,
> Eric
> 2009/6/4 Zhong-Li Liu <zl.liu.c...@gmail.com>
>> Dear Andrei,
>>   Thank you for your kind reply, and I shall have some tests
>> according your suggestion.
>> Best regards,
>> Zhongli
>> On 04/06/2009, apost...@uni-osnabrueck.de <apost...@uni-osnabrueck.de>
>> wrote:
>> >> Dear Andrei,
>> >>   You said in your SIESTA-tuto that the frozen phonon calculations
>> >> usually
>> >> proceed after CG relaxation.
>> >
>> > Dear Zhongli,
>> > this is not obligatory, techniclly speaking, but any book on phonons
>> > tells you how they are introduced from Taylor expansion arond
>> > the equilibrium. So, this equilibrium first has to be found.
>> > If your system does not have internal coordiates you don't have
>> > to worry (say, for pure NaCl you can calculate phonons right away
>> > for any lattice constant without a need to relax), but if the internal
>> > cordinates are present (as say in wurtzite or rutile) - yes,
>> > the relaxation in principle should be done first.
>> > Oterwise, you have a chance to get imaginary modes
>> > with eigenector pointing towards the relaxed
>> > geometry, where the system would be able to lower its energy.
>> >
>> >> Is that means we should
>> >> first set "MD.TypeOfRun CG" to relax
>> >
>> > yes
>> >
>> >> and then change it to "MD.TypeOfRun FC"
>> >> with "UseSaveData T"
>> >
>> > yes
>> >
>> >> and "MD. UseSaveXV T" to calculate the force constants?
>> >
>> > No, in fact I suggested to copy the relaxed coordinates
>> > into the .fdf file and then proceed phonons with
>> > MD. UseSaveXV F
>> > But it is just a suggestion.
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> >
>> > Andrei
>> >
>> --
>> PhD. student of IAMP,  Sichuan University, China
>> E-mail: zl.liu.c...@gmail.com
> --
> ==========================================
> Eric Perim Martins
> Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP
> Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin - IFGW
> Grupo de Sólidos Orgânicos e Novos Materiais - GSONM
> Departamento de Física Aplicada (DFA) - Sala 19
> Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil
> CEP 13083-970
> Telefone: (19)3521-0289 - Ramal 10289
> MSN: pe...@nextwave.com.br
> ==========================================

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