The problem is probably that you have some old DM file into your directory
and are using the DM.UseSaveDM = true .



2009/6/30 shihitwh <>

> Dear users,
> I use the orderN to calculate a system of containing 300 atoms. At the
> begging of the program, it shows that:
>  *iodm: Reading Density Matrix from files
> chkdim: ERROR: In iodm, dimension maxnd = 1241713. It must be at least
> 1249238
> Stopping Program from Node:    0
> forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
> Image              PC                Routine            Line
> Source
> siesta             00000000005BCA7E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             000000000052930E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             00000000004116DE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             00000000004668C0  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             000000000046478A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             00000000005087CE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             0000000000404CEA  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
>          000000396271C4BB  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> siesta             0000000000404C2A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
> *
> can you help me?
> Best wishes!
> Shi
> ------------------------------
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