Can you give some information about how you are running your program, such as:

Parallel or serial?
Threaded or not?
Which compiler are you using?
Which MPI implementation (if parallel) and how many processors on how many 
Which BLAS?

By step, do you mean 3 CG steps or 3 scf steps in three days?

Can you look at the CLOCK file and let us know the average time between SCF 

Daniel J. Backlund
Texas Tech University - Physics
From: min gao []
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 8:03 PM
Subject: [SIESTA-L] the program run slowly, 3days 3 steps

Dear all,
I want to calculate the Au(111) 3X3 4layer structure. But It runs so slowly 
that it costs 3 days for only 3 steps. I think  maybe there is something wrong 
in the input file. Can you help me to check it. I am not sure what wrong it is. 
Thank you very much

Min Gao

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