Dear all,
Thank you for your replay. Actually, I want to calculate absorption energy
for only one cubic, only one gold layer. My purpose is to compare the
viboration frequency difference between Siesta and another software. By the
way, The gold layer was constructed by VESTA, it is different from the
structure made by Material Studio.
 I have modify the inputfile such like that,

NumberOfAtoms           21
NumberOfSpecies 5
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
        1       79      Au
        2       1       H
        3       6       C
        4       7       N
        5       8       O
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
PAO.BasisType           split
PAO.BasisSize   DZP
PAO.EnergyShift 200 meV
LatticeConstant   4.0782 Ang
%block Latticeparameters
       4.0782  4.0782  4.0782   90. 90. 90.
AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
 # Default value: NotScaledCartesianBohr
 #  * Bohr or NotScaledCartesianBohr
 #  * Ang or NotScaledCartesianAng
 #  * ScaledCartesian
 #  * Fractional or ScaledByLatticeVectors
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
       1.134997585     -0.865427958      2.667642299  1
       1.134997585      2.800524042     -0.998314701 1
       4.800949585     -0.865428958     -0.998314701 1
       1.055172585      1.007996042      0.875067299 1
       3.008423585     -0.945253958      0.875067299 1
       3.008397585      1.007969042     -1.078133701 1
      -1.535468291     -1.667381335     -4.616771325 3
      -2.691536984     -2.022071694     -3.918607325 3
      -0.379399598     -1.312690975     -3.918607325 3
       0.520025508     -1.036740752     -4.461780325 2
      -2.691536984     -2.022071694     -2.522277325 3
      -0.379399598     -1.312690975     -2.522277325  3
      -3.590962091     -2.298021917     -1.979104325 2
      -1.535468291     -1.667381335     -1.824113325 3
      -1.535468291     -1.667381335     -0.737766325  2
      -1.535468291     -1.667381335     -5.703118325 2
       0.895620251     -0.921505529     -1.752278409 4
       1.858789288     -0.625998200     -1.170609729 3
      -3.908601386     -2.395475984     -4.653606289  4
      -4.145020167     -3.594731572     -4.796382267  5
      -4.618939486     -1.486692354     -5.082587506  5
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
%block GeometryConstraints
cellangle 90 90 90
cellside z
%endblock GeometryConstraints
OptialCalculation .true.
Optical.EnergyMinimum 0 Ry
optical.energyMaximum 30 Ry
optical.broaden 0.05ev
Slabdipolecorrection .true.
kgrid_cutoff            30 Ang
XC.functional   GGA
XC.authors      PBE

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_pack
5 0 0 0.0
0 5 0 0.0
0 0 1 0.0
MeshCutoff              200 Ry
MaxSCFIterations        100
DM.NumberPulay  3
DM.NumberKick           15
SolutionMethod  diagon
MD.TypeOfRun            CG
MD.NumCGsteps     800
MD.MaxCGDispl           0.2 Ang
MD.MaxForceTol  0.02 eV/Ang shift 5mRy

And I am reading the paper Ney suggested. Thank you again.
I am really confused by the siesta and surface chemistry.

Fen Hong

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