Hi Magda,

Did you remember to include the

%block GeometryConstraints
   routine constr
%endblock GeometryConstraints

in your fdf?
(I only mention because I kept forgetting)


On 29 January 2010 05:18, Magdalena Birowska <magda.birow...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear siesta users;
> I used constr.f routine to implement symmetry in my calculation.
> I generate this constr.f by TETR utility. My calculations finishes
> successfully,
> however I got the same results without any constraints in my calculations.
> It always does in siesta-trunk-301 or siesta-trunk-320 version
> ( the results are the same with and without any constraints).
> If I do my calculation in siesta2.0.1 everything works fine
>  (my calculation with and without constraints are  different, I mean forces
> and stress.)
> Do you have any ideas why new version of siesta can't sees this routine.
> I'm not sure about the ncon variable in constr.f
>  ( in siesta2.0.1 there was no need to write ncon variable).
> Please help me if you are experienced at writing consrt.f
> My constr.f routine is as following:
> !
> ! This file is part of the SIESTA package.
> !
> ! Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
> ! E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez-Portal
> ! and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
> !
> ! Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full conditions
> ! given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.
> !
> c $Id: constr.f,v 1.6 2003/06/23 09:46:16 ordejon Exp $
>       subroutine constr( cell, na, isa, amass, xa, stress, fa, ntcon )
> c *****************************************************************
> c User-written routine to implement specific geometric constraints,
> c by orthogonalizing the forces and stress to undesired changes.
> c Arguments:
> c real*8  cell(3,3)    : input lattice vectors (Bohr)
> c integer na           : input number of atoms
> c integer isa(na)      : input species indexes
> c real*8  amass(na)    : input atomic masses
> c real*8  xa(3,na)     : input atomic cartesian coordinates (Bohr)
> c real*8  stress( 3,3) : input/output stress tensor (Ry/Bohr**3)
> c real*8  fa(3,na)     : input/output atomic forces (Ry/Bohr)
> c integer ntcon        : total number of positions constr. imposed
> c *****************************************************************
>       implicit         none
>       integer          na, isa(na), ntcon
>       double precision amass(na), cell(3,3), fa(3,na),
>      .                 stress(3,3), xa(3,na)
> c Write here your problem-specific code.
> c..operations:   1    5   11   31   13   28   16   15   32   14   47   17
> 44    7   33   30   45   46   12   42   18   29    9   43
> c              UNIT  C2Z  C3D S4Z3  C3A  S4Z -C3C -C3D S4X3  C3B   P6
> -C3A   P3  C2X S4Y3  S4Y   P4   P5  C3C   P1 -C3B  S4X  C2Y   P2
> c=======> orbit=   1, 1st atom =   1 <=======
> c...local:  C2Z  C3D S4Z3  C3A  S4Z -C3C -C3D S4X3  C3B   P6
> c...local: -C3A   P3  C2X S4Y3  S4Y   P4   P5  C3C   P1 -C3B
> c...local:  S4X  C2Y   P2
> c type=I, eigenvector =     0.00000    0.00000    1.00000
>       fa(1,1)=0.0
>       fa(2,1)=0.0
>       fa(3,1)=0.0
> c=======> orbit=   2, 1st atom =   2 <=======
> c...local:  C2Z S4Z3  S4Z  C2X   P1  C2Y   P2
> c type=I, eigenvector =     0.00000    0.00000    1.00000
>       fa(1,2)=0.0
>       fa(2,2)=0.0
>       fa(3,2)=0.0
> c=======> orbit=   3, 1st atom =   5 <=======
> c...local: -C3C   P3   P5  C3C   P1
> c type=C, eigenvector =    -0.57735   -0.57735   -0.57735
>       fa(2,5)=   1.00000*fa(1,5)
>       fa(3,5)=   1.00000*fa(1,5)
> c....... force on Ga atom     3 via atom     2 and operation  C3D
> c     fa(1,3)=C(1,1,11)*fa(1,2)+C(1,2,11)*fa(2,2)+C(1,3,11)*fa(3,2)
> c     fa(2,3)=C(2,1,11)*fa(1,2)+C(2,2,11)*fa(2,2)+C(2,3,11)*fa(3,2)
> c     fa(3,3)=C(3,1,11)*fa(1,2)+C(3,2,11)*fa(2,2)+C(3,3,11)*fa(3,2)
>       fa(1,3)=-1.00000*fa(2,2)
>       fa(2,3)=+1.00000*fa(3,2)
>       fa(3,3)=-1.00000*fa(1,2)
> c
> c....... force on Ga atom     4 via atom     2 and operation -C3D
> c     fa(1,4)=C(1,1,15)*fa(1,2)+C(1,2,15)*fa(2,2)+C(1,3,15)*fa(3,2)
> c     fa(2,4)=C(2,1,15)*fa(1,2)+C(2,2,15)*fa(2,2)+C(2,3,15)*fa(3,2)
> c     fa(3,4)=C(3,1,15)*fa(1,2)+C(3,2,15)*fa(2,2)+C(3,3,15)*fa(3,2)
>       fa(1,4)=-1.00000*fa(3,2)
>       fa(2,4)=-1.00000*fa(1,2)
>       fa(3,4)=+1.00000*fa(2,2)
> c
> c....... force on As atom     6 via atom     5 and operation  C2Z
> c     fa(1,6)=C(1,1,5)*fa(1,5)+C(1,2,5)*fa(2,5)+C(1,3,5)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(2,6)=C(2,1,5)*fa(1,5)+C(2,2,5)*fa(2,5)+C(2,3,5)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(3,6)=C(3,1,5)*fa(1,5)+C(3,2,5)*fa(2,5)+C(3,3,5)*fa(3,5)
>       fa(1,6)=-1.00000*fa(1,5)
>       fa(2,6)=-1.00000*fa(2,5)
>       fa(3,6)=+1.00000*fa(3,5)
> c
> c....... force on As atom     7 via atom     5 and operation  C3D
> c     fa(1,7)=C(1,1,11)*fa(1,5)+C(1,2,11)*fa(2,5)+C(1,3,11)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(2,7)=C(2,1,11)*fa(1,5)+C(2,2,11)*fa(2,5)+C(2,3,11)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(3,7)=C(3,1,11)*fa(1,5)+C(3,2,11)*fa(2,5)+C(3,3,11)*fa(3,5)
>       fa(1,7)=-1.00000*fa(2,5)
>       fa(2,7)=+1.00000*fa(3,5)
>       fa(3,7)=-1.00000*fa(1,5)
> c
> c....... force on As atom     8 via atom     5 and operation  C3A
> c     fa(1,8)=C(1,1,13)*fa(1,5)+C(1,2,13)*fa(2,5)+C(1,3,13)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(2,8)=C(2,1,13)*fa(1,5)+C(2,2,13)*fa(2,5)+C(2,3,13)*fa(3,5)
> c     fa(3,8)=C(3,1,13)*fa(1,5)+C(3,2,13)*fa(2,5)+C(3,3,13)*fa(3,5)
>       fa(1,8)=+1.00000*fa(2,5)
>       fa(2,8)=-1.00000*fa(3,5)
>       fa(3,8)=-1.00000*fa(1,5)
> c
> c... STRESS tensor: crystal class Td , dimension = 3D
>       stress(1,3)=0.0
>       stress(2,3)=0.0
>       stress(1,2)=0.0
>       stress(2,2)=stress(1,1)
>       stress(3,3)=stress(1,1)
>       stress(2,1)=stress(1,2)
>       stress(3,1)=stress(1,3)
>       stress(3,2)=stress(2,3)
>       ntcon=9
>       end
> Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.
> Magda Birowska

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