Dear Bartek:

Thanks a lot for this. It certainly looks like you caught 
a bug.

We will certainly fix it very soon and let you all know
the patch.

Jose A.
Jose A. Torres, Ph.D.
Manager of the SIESTA Software

On Fri, 2010-04-09 at 09:44 +0200, Szyja, B.M. wrote:
> Hello again,
> Some time ago I have post a message to the list about the problem with the 
> SIESTA (built on IBM Power system) running out of luns. The original post is 
> below. In the meantime I have contacted the system administrator, who helped 
> me to identify the problem. Here is his response:
> this is an error message from SIESTA itself. You
> can find it in the source file io.f after a check
> of all fortran i/o units. The constants min_lun
> and max_lun are set as 10 and 99 in the version
> of the code that I have, which means that there
> can be 89 files simultaneously open. There are
> two possible solutions:
> 1. increase max_lun so that you can have more files
> simultaneously open. However, my guess is that your
> code opens a file at every step, but never closes it
> and so it runs out of units after 81 or 82 steps. The preferred
> solution is therefore
> 2. to look for the open files and close them at appropriate
> points in the code.
> As my fortran skills suck like anything, and the SIESTA source is rather big, 
> I cannot do that myself. Moreover, it really seems like a bug to me, so I am 
> hoping that the developers would be interested in sorting this out...
> With regards,
> Bartek
> ________________________________________
> From: Szyja, B.M. []
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 11:27 AM
> To:
> Subject: [SIESTA-L] error - No luns available in io_assign
> Dear SIESTA Team,
> I am trying to run MD simulations using SIESTA on IBM power architecture. 
> Everything seems ok up to a moment when the jobs crash and I get the 
> following error message:
> No luns available in io_assign
> Stopping Program from Node:    0
> It usually happens after 70-80 succesful steps of MD. Does anybody have an 
> idea what might be the cause?
> Bartek

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