Dear all
I calculate the H2O charge density and analysize it by bader. All though the
total charge is right, but the atomic charge is werid.
This is the ACF.dat from bader.
    #         X           Y           Z        CHARGE     MIN DIST    ATOMIC
  O  1     -0.0963      0.0165      0.0691      0.4447      0.1334
  H  2      0.4907     -0.7532      0.0343      3.6161      0.5393
  H  3      0.2801      0.6212     -0.5873      3.9464      0.5581
   NUMBER OF ELECTRONS:        8.00713
the input file
SystemLabel          h2o       # Short name for naming files

NumberOfSpecies         2
NumberOfAtoms           3

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
 1 8 O
 2 1 H
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
       -0.069096   -0.097768    0.000000 1
        0.898304   -0.048458    0.000000 2
       -0.345539    0.830603    0.000000 2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
Denchar.TypeOfRun       3D
Denchar.PlotCharge             T
Denchar.PlotWaveFunctions      F
Denchar.CoorUnits      bohr          # Format for coordinate of the points
                                     # Bohr
                                     # Ang
Denchar.DensityUnits   Ele/bohr**3   # Units of Charge Density
                                     # Ele/bohr**3
                                     # Ele/Ang**3
                                     # Ele/UnitCell
Denchar.MinX       -5.0  bohr     # Minimum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.MaxX        5.0  bohr     # Maximum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.MinY       -5.0  bohr     # Minimum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.MaxY        5.0  bohr     # Maximum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.MinZ       -5.0  bohr     # Minimum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.MaxZ        5.0  bohr     # Maximum coordinate of the window in
Denchar.NumberPointsX       70         # Number of points in X-axis
Denchar.NumberPointsY       70         # Number of points in Y-axis
Denchar.NumberPointsZ       70         # Number of points in Z-axis
Denchar.PlaneGeneration   ThreePoints  # Option to generate the plane
                                       # NormalVector
                                       # TwoLines
                                       # ThreePoints
                                       # ThreeAtomicIndices
%block Denchar.Coor3Points          # Coordinates of three points of the
0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
2.56530   2.56530   2.56530
0.00000   5.13061   5.13061
%endblock Denchar.Coor3Points
 WriteDenchar              .true.           # Write information for DENCHAR
 SaveTotalCharge  .true.
Does  there anybody known the reason?
Thank you very much

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