Dear Siesta 3.0 beta users! Thank you for you time.

I calculate the band structure for different types of graphene based
ribbons and I encountered with the following problems:

1) To calculate the BS for pristine NR I used the relaxation part
MD.TypeOfRun CG
MD.VariableCell .true.
MD.NumCGsteps 40
MD.MaxStressTol 0.1 GPa
and I got more or less reasonable results.

But now I want to take into account the dependence of the band gap on the
z-coordinate of molecule/atom which is above the ribbon. In order to do
that I used
%block GeometryConstraints
  position # of atom which position I want to be fixed
%endblock GeometryConstraints

I expected that at the end of relaxation procedure the position of chosen
atom remains the same BUT IT IS CHANGED quite strongly (sometimes,
depending on the initial position, more than 50% of initial coordinate).
So my question is how to fix the distance (z-coordinate) between ribbon
and the molecule/atom? Does the option (MD.VariableCell .true. )
contradict to freezing of the coordinates of some atoms?

2) To calculate the energy (binding energy) between nanoribbon and a
molecule (above the ribbon) I used the value of TOTAL energy in block
siesta: Final energy (eV):
siesta:       Kinetic =    7168.537907
siesta:       Hartree =   83393.002729
siesta:    Ext. field =       0.000000
siesta:   Exch.-corr. =   -3071.032309
siesta:  Ion-electron = -173190.442014
siesta:       Ion-ion =   75708.722958
siesta:       Ekinion =       0.000000
siesta:         Total =   -9991.210729
 of output file. Am I right doing like this (providing that all
thermodynamic parameters are by default)?

3) And finally I have the general question about the meaning of relaxation
procedure and its connection to the convergence.
Trying to calculate the BS for armchair nanoribbon without relaxation part
I got absolutely wrong BS, an spurious dipole moment and other weird
As I understood, the problem is that my initial geometry was not
appropriate and needed to be corrected. Moreover, I could not get the
convergence within 100 SCF steps (there were oscillations of dDmax level).
But it seems to be strange. If I want to calculate the electronic energy
of a system with the particular geometry (like in Gaussian) I expect to
have that energy but not the energy corresponding to optimized geometry.
So far I do not know how to calculate the BS, electronic energy and so on
of non-relaxed geometry.

Any help will be appreciated,
Thank you in advance

Artem Baskin,
PhD student,
University of Illinois at Chicago

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