Sounds like maybe a problem with your compiler?  I was able to succesfuly 
compile with gfortran on a SUSE enterprise box.  Try running your make command 
with FC=gfortran?

Good luck,
From: RosaLetizia_zaffino []
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:57 AM
Subject: [SIESTA-L] compilation problem mac os x

Dear all,

I'm trying to compile SIESTA on my computer, a G4 with Tiger as operating
system where I installed the gfortran compiler. The problem I have is that
although SIESTA can find the fortran compiler, this last one cannot create the
I tried different available fortran compilers but with worst results.
Did someone already faces with a similar problems?

Thanks in advance

RosaLetizia Zaffino

Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia
Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC)
Laboratorio de Nanobioingenieria
C/Baldiri i Reixach 10-12
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
F.: +34 93 403 71 81

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