> Dear siesta users and developers:
> Now I want to konw the structure of the DM file.So I convert it to DMF
> file which is readable.
> But I have a question about the meaning of the integers after the number
> of orbitals ,spins and a serial integer numbers whose number is the same
> with the number of orbitals.But the following integer numbers,I am
> puzzling.What does they mean,they do not arrange from smaller to
> bigger,they some times go backward then forward.
> Who can tell me what does they mean?
> It is a urgency.

the reading/writing from the DM file is organized in iodm.F
However, it is somehow difficult to understand it at once.
In a nutshell, DM is stored as a sparse matrix - for each basis
function (say a line in the density matrix),
the list follows of non-zero elements, followed by their values.
Moreover the lists are created which relate the column number of each
non-zero element to which basis function it refers to.
I "streamlined" a bit the i/o procedure in my DMtune suite
, adding some comments (but not much).

Best regards

Andrei Postnikov

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