Thank you all very much.

Thank Postnikov answer my basic questions. and I am very sorry that I did
not describe the problem clearly.
Take another example to describe the problem,
step 1,  calculate DOS the free O2 molecule,
step 2,  put that free O2 molecule and surface together but make sure the
distance is long enough that there is no interaction between them.  step 3,
compare step 1 O2 2p orbital with the step 2 O2 2p orbital (the Fermi level
of them is shifted to zero).
 I expected the figure should be the same (completely o), but they are
different. The whole figure is translated  on the x axis. It is like two
functions, when y > 0, y=x and y=x-2. The figures of the  two functions is
the same, but they are different in the axis.   Although as Postnikov said
that the fermi level has much useful meaning, when we shift the Fermi level
to zero, we usually take "E-E_F" as x axis (E is energies for which DOS is
calculated, E_F is Fermi energy ).
 If the case that I met exists , we cannot just choose "E-E_F" as x axis, so
how can we shift the PDOS correctly ?
Thank you very much again

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