It is trying to read more data than there actually is in the .bands file. I
am not sure of what you are doing exactly, but the amount of data in the
file, if you are creating it by hand (???) should be consistent with what
you tell the program to read.


On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 5:48 AM, deepak srinivasan <>wrote:

> Hi
> I am getting  the following error while trying to the attached .bands using
> gnubands.f
> *debian:~/Desktop/tran1# ./a.out < abc.bands | tee bands.dat
> At line 58 of file gnubands.f (unit = 5, file = 'stdin')
> Fortran runtime error: End of file
> # GNUBANDS: Utility for SIESTA to transform bands output into Gnuplot
> format
> #
> #                                                  Emilio Artacho, Feb.
> 1999
> #
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # E_F               =  -269.9682
> # k_min, k_max      =     0.0000    0.0020
> # E_min, E_max      =  -473.0400 2655.1623
> # Nbands, Nspin, Nk =   2060     1    10
> #
> #        k            E
> #
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *what can be the reason*??*
> kindly help me
> i had made the .bands file by myself by copy pasting the the values from
> different simulations*
> -- *
> regards
> deepak
> 3rd Year Under Graduate
> Electronics Design and Manufacturing
> IIIT (D&M),Kancheepuram
> IIT Madras Campus,Chennai

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