  THank you very much. I spent 2 days already on this simulation. I will be
more careful next time to write the correct number of atoms.
Varrun Ashok

On 18 April 2011 16:03, Natalia Martsinovich <n.martsinov...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Varrun,
> Your input and output files seem OK, but the optimisation is not yet
> finished: you can check that the forces are decreasing (but are still
> large), and energies (E_KS(eV)) are converging, but are still far from
> being converged. 26 optimisation steps is clearly not enough yet.
> Few more points: the xyz file has 171 atoms, but NumberOfAtoms is 168,
> so your calculation runs with only one Ti atom, not 4.
> Also, I advise to keep the cell volume fixed, to save computational
> time and not allow the cell to become too small:
> MD.VariableCell F
> Best regards,
> Natalia
> On 4/16/11, Varrun Ashok <varrun.as...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >  I am very new to siesta and DFT calculations. I need your support and
> help.
> > I am running a fdf file comprising a system consisting of a triglyceride
> > molecule and a 4 atom Ti tetrahedral cluster near a double of the
> molecule.
> > The aim is to check how strongly the cluster interacts with double bond.
> The
> > system is not converging. The Max atomic forces values are erratic.  I
> have
> > attached a copy of the fdf file, the .xyz file and the .out file and also
> a
> > 3D image of the molecule+Ti system. Kindly provide recommendations.
> > Regards,
> > Varrun Ashok
> >

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