Dear list,
 I am running the most simple calculation to obtain the lattice constant for 
Pt. I am using the LDA pseudo from ABINIT, my calculation is spin unpolarized 
for the time being.

 I am getting the error shown as the title of this e-mail. The basis is the 
standard DZP. I looked into the error and into anything related to the Pt 
pseudo in the mailing list, but found nothing.

 As a first step, I generated a couple of different pseudos on my own, but the 
error persists. One thing I noticed is that no matter what pseudo I use the OUT 
file from atm ends at 99 iterations. And I wonder if my pseudos are actually 
converged or if I just hit the hardcoded itertion limit. I am thinking this 
might have happened with the pseudo posted on the website too. It is strange 
that I get exactly 99 iterations regardless of changes on my inp files.

  Your help with this problem will be very appreciated. I can share more info 
as needed.

 Thank you!


PS: Below, my siesta input file and the relevant output pointing to error.

bulk Pt
SystemLabel bPt           
NumberofAtoms           1
NumberofSpecies         1
LatticeConstant         4.00 Ang
ElectronicTemperature   300 K
SolutionMethod          Diagon
Diag.DivideAndConquer   True
NumberofEigenStates   18
Diag.ParalleloverK    False

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
1  78 Pt
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

%block LatticeVectors
0.0 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.0 0.5
0.5 0.5 0.0
%endblock LatticeVectors

AtomicCoordinatesFormat scaledcartesian 
AtomCoorFormatOut Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
0.0000000000  0.0000000000      0.000000   1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

meshcutoff 200 Ry
#UseSaveData             .true.
DM.UseSaveDM           .true.
MaxSCFIterations        200000

spinpolarized           .false. 
#fixspin                 .true.
#totalspin               0.0

longOutput              .true.
Writeforces             .true.
WriteCoorXmol           .true.
WriteEigenvalues        .true.
WriteDM                 .true.
#ON.eta                 -4.5 eV
WriteMullikenPop 1

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
15  0  0 0.0
0  15  0 0.0
0  0  15 0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

DM.MixingWeight 0.2
DM.NumberPulay  3
DM.Tolerance 0.00001


initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals ----------
 Species number:            1  Label: Pt Atomic number:          78
Ground state valence configuration:   5d10
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Pt.psf
For Pt, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
 (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.

Pt                   Z=  78    Mass=  195.08        Charge=  0.0000    
Lmxo=2 Lmxkb=3     BasisType=split      Semic=F
L=0  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=6
L=1  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=6
L=2  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=5
          n=1  nzeta=2  polorb=0
               vcte:    0.0000    
               rinn:    0.0000    
                rcs:    0.0000      0.0000    
            lambdas:    1.0000      1.0000    
L=0  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309
L=1  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309
L=2  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309
L=3  Nkbl=1  erefs: 0.17977+309

atom: Called for Pt  (Z =  78)

read_vps: Pseudopotential generation method:
read_vps: ATM 3.2.2 Troullier-Martins                       

read_vps: Valence configuration (pseudopotential and basis set generation):
6s( 1.00) rc: 2.60
6p( 0.00) rc: 2.73
5d( 9.00) rc: 2.60
5f( 0.00) rc: 2.60
Total valence charge:   10.00000

xc_check: Exchange-correlation functional:
xc_check: Ceperley-Alder
V l=0 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  2.5365
V l=1 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  2.6665
V l=2 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  2.5365
V l=3 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  2.5365
All V_l potentials equal beyond r=  2.6665
This should be close to max(r_c) in ps generation
All pots = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  2.6665

VLOCAL1: 99.0% of the norm of Vloc inside      6.105 Ry
VLOCAL1: 99.9% of the norm of Vloc inside     13.913 Ry
atom: Maximum radius for 4*pi*r*r*local-pseudopot. charge    3.21646
atom: Maximum radius for r*vlocal+2*Zval:    2.83851
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  0
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  1
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  2
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  3

KBgen: Kleinman-Bylander projectors: 
   l= 0   rc=  2.946978   el= -0.437525   Ekb=  4.169002   kbcos=  0.272921
   l= 1   rc=  3.021582   el= -0.071929   Ekb=  2.512898   kbcos=  0.204206
   l= 2   rc=  2.874217   el= -0.467630   Ekb= -4.736743   kbcos= -0.674713
   l= 3   rc=  3.098075   el=  0.003352   Ekb= -1.540178   kbcos= -0.018403

KBgen: Total number of  Kleinman-Bylander projectors:   16
atom: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

atom: Selected multiple-zeta basis: split     

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 5d

SPLIT: PAO cut-off radius determined from an
SPLIT: energy shift=  0.020000 Ry

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    4.451691
                 energy =   -0.449376
                kinetic =    4.580944
    potential(screened) =   -5.030320
       potential(ionic) =  -14.364657

   izeta = 2
                 rmatch =    2.946978
              splitnorm =    0.150000
                 energy =   -0.165957
                kinetic =    6.378710
    potential(screened) =   -6.544667
       potential(ionic) =  -16.637423

POLgen: Perturbative polarization orbital with L=  1

POLgen: Polarization orbital for state 6s
 POLARIZATION: Iteration to find the polarization
 orbital has failed !!!!!!!!!
 Please try with a Rc no bigger than   0.000000000000000E+000  Bohr
Stopping Program from Node:    0

Salvador Barraza-Lopez
Postdoctoral Fellow
School of Physics
The Georgia Institute of Technology

Office N205
837 State Street Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0430 U.S.A
Tel: (404) 894-0892 Fax: (404) 894-9958

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