Dear SIESTA users,

I am trying to calculate the optical properties of graphene-based material.
Despite very clear explanations of the related options in the manual I
experience some problems in running jobs with OpticalCalculation option set
to be true.

Here's the problem.

This is a part of my .fdf file related to description of optical
calculations presets:

OpticalCalculation  .true.
%block Optical.Mesh
  5 5 1
%endblock Optical.Mesh
Optical.PolarizationType  unpolarized
%block Optical.Vector
0.0 0.0 1.0
%endblock Optical.Vector

For a two-dimensional system, lying on XY plane, I specified the vector of
light propagation along Z-coordinate (if I understood correctly the meaning
of block Optical.Vector) and a mesh size used for the integration over the
Brillouin zone accounting that my system is a 2D system.
At the end of the output file I got massage which says "MINVEC: BASIS
VECTORS ARE LINEARLY DEPENDENT". No optical properties were calculated.
What basis vectors does SIESTA talk about, and what is meant by their
linear dependence?

 It strange that this error appears only if I use OpticalCalculation
.true., without it no such error appears.

Do you have any solution to this problem?

Another question is related to the general meaning of MeshSize, could you
comment it and how to effectively use this option? One more concern is
about reciprocal orientation of a system in question and the vector
direction for the electric field, are they supposed to correlate meaning
that the set of coordinates for the electric field vector and system of
study is the same?

Many Thank's for help,

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