Hello everyone, 

I have a lot of problems converging the DM of a structure where I force 
antiparallel magnetization in the two Ni leads, and have a scattering region 
made of non-magnetic material. I force the AP magnetization by using %block 

I wonder if the DM.Tolerance criterion is a stricter convergence criterion than 
DM.Energy.Tolerance. I suspect that if I were to use Energy convergence instead 
 of DM, convergence it would be faster, since the energy is variational whereas 
the elements of DM are not. Am I correct? Even so, I don't know if I can bypass 
the DM.Tolerance tag. The manual tells me that DM.Energy.Tolerance is used in 
addition to DM.Tolerance, not instead of. 

In my calculations I have tried to decrease the DM.tolerance from the default 
1e-4 to 0.0009 hoping that it would help me handle the system, in addition to 
other scf related tags as given below, to no avail. Below are the values for 
the last cycles of the scf iteration, before the program exits because the 
max.number of SCF iterations is reached. 
siesta: iscf   Eharris(eV)      E_KS(eV)   FreeEng(eV)   dDmax  Ef(eV)  
siesta: 1486   -13262.5643   -13262.5643   -13262.5643  0.0271 -5.2142
siesta: 1487   -13262.5674   -13262.5673   -13262.5673  0.0272 -5.2149
siesta: 1488   -13262.5665   -13262.5665   -13262.5665  0.0272 -5.2140
siesta: 1489   -13262.5676   -13262.5675   -13262.5675  0.0272 -5.2150
siesta: 1490   -13262.5657   -13262.5658   -13262.5658  0.0270 -5.2144
siesta: 1491   -13262.5675   -13262.5675   -13262.5675  0.0273 -5.2159
siesta: 1492   -13262.5661   -13262.5661   -13262.5661  0.0270 -5.2141
siesta: 1493   -13262.5610   -13262.5611   -13262.5611  0.0268 -5.2125
siesta: 1494   -13262.5658   -13262.5656   -13262.5656  0.0272 -5.2137
siesta: 1495   -13262.5644   -13262.5644   -13262.5644  0.0271 -5.2134
siesta: 1496   -13262.5682   -13262.5681   -13262.5681  0.0271 -5.2159
siesta: 1497   -13262.5630   -13262.5631   -13262.5631  0.0273 -5.2108
siesta: 1498   -13262.5678   -13262.5676   -13262.5676  0.0269 -5.2157
siesta: 1499   -13262.5660   -13262.5660   -13262.5660  0.0273 -5.2152
siesta: E_KS(eV) =           -13262.5660

SCF related tags in the input file:

#--------------------Convergence of 

MeshCutoff                      200.0 Ry      # Default value PW cutoff for grid
MaxSCFIterations                1500          # 
DM.MixSCF1                      .true.
DM.MixingWeight                 0.0005        
DM.NumberPulay                   8
DM.UseSaveDM                   .true.          # to use continuation files
DM.Tolerance                    0.0009        

#-----------------------for tough 
DM.NumberKick                   100
DM.KickMixingWeight            0.01

#DM.Energy.Tolerance            10-4 eV       
#DM.Require.Energy.Convergence   .false.  

Diana Otálvaro
Computational Material Science
MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology
University of Twente
Carre 4049
Postbus 217
NL-7500 AE Enschede
tel: +31-53-489-2986

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