Thank you Assa very much. I got you, I just did not know that I could
generate an output file for tbtrans. I thought it generates only .AVTRANS,

Best regards,


On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Asa Aravindh <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to answer your last question.
> If you specify "TS.Voltage" parameter in the input file with some value,
> say  0.1 eV, and carry out transiesta and subsequently tbtrans, in your
> output file, the current will be written at the end, along with the input
> voltage.
> Best,
> Assa
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:21 AM, Artem Baskin <> wrote:
>> I have recently read the paper (PRB 81, 205437) and found it very
>> interesting and enlightening. Since I want to reproduce these results,
>> I faced with some questions that I want to address here, some of them are 
>> technical
>> whereas others are conceptual. From hereon I will refer to the mentioned 
>> above paper and the
>> materials that I found 
>> 1) What is (are) the particular reason(-s) to choose 8AGNR as
>> an electrode? In this case, the scattering region is defined in a dummy
>> way since the only difference between scattering and electrode regions is
>> for which area the charge neutrality is preserved and how many atoms are
>> treated out of equilibrium. Am I right?
>> 2) In the example 
>> ( I
>> found
>> TS.NumUsedAtomsLeft/Right   16
>> TS.BufferAtomsLeft/Right    16
>> Is there any reason why to use these values?
>> 3) Did anyone try to evaluate the Fermi wavelength for such a system as
>> compared to the width of the ribbon to make sure that we deal with a
>> truly 1D system?
>> 4) Due to the specific choice of the electrode for the set up (the middle
>> part coincides with the leads) one may interpret the transmission spectra
>> using the band structure of the electrode region only. From that
>> perspective it is unclear for me how one would explain the conductance
>> profile for the non zero bias. Moreover, what if the electrodes were of
>> the different material, say, gold or nikel?
>> 5) Another technical issue arises when I try to apply this "approach" to
>> the case when the electrode are made of different material as compared to
>> the scattering region. The Siesta Manual says: "it is also crucial that
>> the atomic positions specified at the left (right) EL calculation must be
>> equivalent to the left (right) electrode part of the SR set up. Here,
>> equivalent means that they can be made equal by a simple translation in
>> space." In the examples provided in Siesta and in the case of paper the EL 
>> and SR
>> are the same, that is why it is easy to provide the equivalence of the
>> atoms of the electrodes and those of the SR just multiplying the first two
>> lattice vectors for the EL by integer number(s). But what if the lattice
>> constants for EL and SR are not commensurable, how can I get the
>> equivalence of the atomic positions for EL and SR? What is the "electrode
>> part of the SR"?
>> 5) By definition, the whole set up in reality should not have the
>> translation symmetry, the scattering region does not have translational
>> invariance. Yet, in TRANSIESTA set up we have to apply the periodic
>> boundary conditions in the xy-directions, moreover, we need to apply the
>> periodic boundary conditions along the current direction (z). Can anyone
>> comment on this? Why do we need them? If I want to analyse (and visualise)
>> the wave functions of the scattering region then I have a problem to
>> decide for which k-point in 3D Brillouin-zone I need to construct the wf
>> of a given eigenvalue. It is very counter-intuitive to consider the
>> scattering region as a chain (or even bulk) rather than a "super-molecule"
>> with molecular orbitals as it is should be.
>> 6) Could you generally comment the meaning of
>> TS.NumUsedAtomsLeft/Right
>> TS.BufferAtomsLeft/Right
>> TS.ReplicateA1(A2)Left/Right
>> parameters in terms of their physical meaning and geometry of the set up?
>> 7) It is known that <SystemLabel>.TSDE contains the info about the
>> non-equilibrium density matrix. Manual says that .TSDE file can be used to
>> analyse the non equilibrium charge density with the aid of DENCHAR.
>> However, Denchar needs .DM file but not .TSDE. I renamed .TSDE file by .DM
>> file to see the difference but I did not see any difference between
>> equilibrium and non equilibrium charge density even when I applied bias of 2 
>> or
>> more Volts. Have you tried to do this, if so, please, share with me what
>> you got and what we should get.
>> 8) According to the Manual, TBTrans Utility can be used to calculate
>> transmission spectrum and the electronic current. However, neither in the
>> Utility/TBTrans directory nor in files (see above link) I did not find the 
>> code or
>> something which calculates the current. What I should indicate in the
>> TRANSIESTA input file to have the I(V) characteristic done? Should I
>> integrate the Tr(E;V) by hand on my own to get I(V)?
>> I would be very much obliged if someboby could comment these questions (at
>> least some of them) and I hope other users will find your answers very
>> useful.
>> Sincerely,
>> Artem Baskin
>> PhD candidate,
>> Department of Chemistry,
>> University of Illinois at Chicago
> --
> Assa Aravindh.S
> Research Scholar
> IGCAR,India

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