Dear All,
I am trying these days for the first time MD simulations with SIESTA. In particular, what I want to study is some molecular anchoring on top of MO slabs.

Anyway, I am always getting very weird behaviour in my calculations.

I mean, I have optimized my structure properly. The optimization run went fine and I take the .xyz file as input for my MD run.

I simply want to thermalize the system at 300K. Nevertheless, every time I do it, the temperature after about 20 cycles "collapses" to 0 K and I am extremely frustrated since I can not figure out the reason for it.

The xx.MDE is indeed
# Step     T (K)     E_KS (eV)    E_tot (eV)   Vol (A^3)    P (kBar)
     1    298.50  -72915.25721  -72908.41095    9301.380    -227.979
     2    297.15  -72915.37035  -72908.41837    9301.380    -227.915
     3    294.85  -72915.61083  -72908.44044    9301.380    -227.631
     4    280.08  -72915.67760  -72908.45274    9301.380    -227.189
     5    248.95  -72915.42802  -72908.44212    9301.380    -226.761
     6    211.49  -72915.05018  -72908.42164    9301.380    -226.589
     7    182.30  -72914.86424  -72908.41174    9301.380    -226.783
     8    166.34  -72915.00001  -72908.42722    9301.380    -227.281
     9    154.26  -72915.23280  -72908.44891    9301.380    -227.907
    10    135.78  -72915.28496  -72908.44857    9301.380    -228.522
    11    113.35  -72915.19180  -72908.43472    9301.380    -228.989
    12     96.07  -72915.17286  -72908.42776    9301.380    -229.299
    13     87.49  -72915.33295  -72908.43430    9301.380    -229.408
    14     83.15  -72915.58301  -72908.44694    9301.380    -229.368
    15     76.61  -72915.76703  -72908.45495    9301.380    -229.257
    16     65.83  -72915.81699  -72908.45301    9301.380    -229.175
    17     54.63  -72915.81079  -72908.44452    9301.380    -229.214
    18     48.59  -72915.89534  -72908.44147    9301.380    -229.459

And this is switching the Harris Energy on. For the KS case the reduction is even faster....

Can you tell me what is wrong with my fdf. Please consider that pseudos are "standard" from the library.

Thanks in advance for any possible suggestion.
With best regards,
here the fdf

SystemName         MD
SystemLabel        MD

NumberOfAtoms       250
NumberOfSpecies      4

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
  1  22  Ti
  2   8  O
  3   6  C
  4   1  H
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

PAO.BasisSize DZP
XC.functional LDA
XC.authors    CA

ElectronicTemperature   1500.0 K

LatticeConstant     1. Ang
%block LatticeVectors
11.355           0               0
0               20.4786           0
0               0               40.
%endblock LatticeVectors

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
   1  0  0  0.5         #1
   0  1  0  0.5         #1
   0  0  1  0.5         #1
%endblock Kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

MeshCutoff         200.0 Ry #400.0 Ry

DM.MixingWeight      0.008  # 0.008
DM.NumberPulay       5
DM.Tolerance         1.d-4 #1.d-4

SolutionMethod       diagon
ElectronicTemperature  500 K
MaxSCFIterations       500
#SCFMustConverge        .true.

WriteDM           .true.
WriteEigenvalues  .false.

PAO.EnergyShift  0.01 Ry

MD.TypeOfRun       Nose

HarrisFunctional T

WriteCoorStep      .true.
WriteForces        .true.
WriteMDHistory     .true.

MD.UseSaveXV       T

MD.Length.Time.Step     1.0 fs
MD.Final.Time.Step      10000
MD.InitialTemperature   300 K
MD.TargetTemperture     300 K
MD.NoseMass             100.0 Ry*fs**2

MD.MaxForceTol      0.05 eV/Ang # 0.05 eV/Ang
UseSaveData      .true.

%block GeometryConstraints
position from 1 to 72
%endblock GeometryConstraints

AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*   Giacomo Giorgi                              *
*   Ph.D.                                       *
*   Dipartimento di Chimica e Istituto di       *
*   Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari ISTM-CNR    *
*   Universita' degli Studi di Perugia          *
*   Via Elce di Sotto 8  06123 Perugia Italia   *
*   Tel: +39 075-5855618  Fax: +39 075-5855606  *
*   E-mail:               *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Oltre le illusioni di Timbuctu'
e le gambe lunghe di Babalu' c'era questa strada...
Questa strada zitta che vola via come una farfalla,
una nostalgia, nostalgia al gusto di curacao...
Forse un giorno meglio mi spieghero'..."

(Paolo Conte, "Hemingway")

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