
Once you have the .bands file generated by siesta
(using the bands block), you can use a simple 
format translator called gnubands.f in the Util directory.
It is a short fortran code, and the heading tells you 
how to use it. It just generates a file that can be
read directly by gnuplot and plotted simply 
(just do
plot 'Output_file_of_gunbads" w l
in gnuplot)



On Dec 2, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Dr. Amar Bahadur wrote:

> Dear Siesta- users,
>                             I have installed gnuplot on UBUNTU operating 
> system. Now, how is plotted using gnuplot. Please help?
> -- 
> Kind Regards.
> ==================
> Dr. Amar Bahadur
> (Department of Physics)
> Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences,
> Sultanpur- 228 118 (U.P.) India
> Email:
> Mob.-+91-9451431428, 9044160486

Emilio Artacho

CIC nanoGUNE Consolider, and Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Tolosa Hiribidea 76, E-20018 Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain,, +34 943 574039,

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