Hi Luigi,

A few suggestions:

1) Your MaxCGsteps and MaxSCFIterations are both very large, convergence in
many problems can be adequately approached by using a small number of CG
updates, like 10-50 to perform a stepwise convergence, changing mixing
parameters slightly between runs, observing how the forces change between
CG steps and using UseSaveData = .true. to use saved DM's, XV's and so on.
MaxSCFIterations could be around 100-250, much more than that and you're
wasting your time, might I add.
2) Try using more Pulay convergence parameters. This will probably get you
to convergence if you choose them right. You will have to modify them until
you attain something that works. For starters, try:
DM.NumberPulay          5
DM.MixingWeight         0.002
DM.NumberKick          12
DM.KickMixingWeight    0.0766
I've found that oftentimes the Pulay "kick" will knock your SCF cycle into
a convergence basin, especially with charged systems or hard
pseudopotentials. Look in the manual to see how these are defined.
3) I'm not sure why SimulateDoping would help you, it seems unphysical to
me in a molecule rather than a solid. Your meshcutoff also seems low, but
it won't help your convergence problem. Look into converging that value
once you can close your SCF loop.
4) 30x30x30A cell is a big box for a small molecule, perhaps there may be a
benefit to using a smaller cell, since a Madelung correction term is
applied for molecules? If you go to a 20x20x20 cell does the convergence
issue get worse?

That's all I can think of for now, definitely look into the Pulay
convergence acceleration though.

Warm regards,

*Abraham Hmiel*
Katherine Belz Groves Fellow in Nanoscience
Xue Group, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at SUNY Albany

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