Dear Siesta Users,

I am calculating force using siesta.  I have used same geometry, same .psf,
same type of INPUT.fdf and same number of processors (in siesta-mpi run)
for 60 siesta jobs. All are completed without any error except one in which I
have got the following error message-


 Floating point exception signaled at 2b8c99a090c7: floating point divide
by zero

[161:21920] *** Process received signal ***

[161:21920] Signal: Aborted (6)

[161:21920] Signal code:  (-6)

[161:21920] *** End of error message ***


Now my question is

                        What is the reason behind this error?

Please suggest for correction.

 Here I have attached INPUT.fdf and poscar.fdf.(containing geometry).

 I am waiting for any suggestion. Thanking you in advance.



Attachment: POSCAR.fdf
Description: application/vnd.fdf

Attachment: INPUT.fdf
Description: application/vnd.fdf

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