Dear SIESTA users,

I am a little confused using TranSIESTA.

It is advised that the geometry of scattering region(SR) should be optimised in 
SIESTA before calculating its transmission in TranSIESTA. 

My questions are:

1. if the SR is relaxed in SIESTA, is it necessary to relax it again in 
TranSIESTA when calculating the transmission. (I ran several testing model, the 
SR is optimized again in TranSIESTA)

2. can I relax the SR in TranSIESTA directly. (if MD.NumCGsteps is set to a 
non-zero number in Transiesta)

3. what is the difference between 1 and 2. In a TranSIESTA run, the Hamiltonian 
matrix of SR (and atomic force) is calculated first using SIESTA, then 
TranSIESTA begins by reading two TSHS files. So what is the point to run 
optimization of SR in SIESTA separately from TranSIESTA. 

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you in advanced. 


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